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I'm in a 5 piece band playing in about a 20x20 room. 2 walls aren't covered with boxes and the floor is linoleum. It's really loud in there and we need to dampen the room to a bearable level. We were thinking about getting 3 or 4 rugs for said 2 walls and floor. But then we started considering acoustic foam. I'm sure acoustic foam is more effective than rugs, but since we're on a really tight budget, is it really worth it to spend twice as much on foam? Or will rugs suffice? Side question, if we get rugs, could we just get 2 and put them on the floor since i'm certain the linoleum is the main culprit, or do the walls probably need it to?
well my band and i use the foam. it works pretty good. but the rug idea... im not sure if that will be dense enough
I have a dark tan/light brown carpet. I dropped some black eyeshadow and it got kicked about and now it's in the carpet. I really really need to clean it because I move out soon and don't want to have to pay for a whole entire cleaning. Anyone have any remedies to help? I want to get it out but need to make sure not to accidentally bleach the carpet. Thank you!
Hey Ya Hire certified,professional carpet cleaner for your problem.The same situation had happened to me.I called Heavenly Touch Carpet Upholstery Cleaning Company.It's Fantastic.They came over, cleaned my couch quickly, and left it looking as good as new. I am very happy, the whole process was simple and effective, and they gave us tips for spot cleaning.Great prices.Contact with these guys,they will definitely resolve your problem.Check out the website for more information Good Luck! Thanks Pretson
Okay, so i spilled sweet and sour sauce all over my living room carpet today. I grabbed a bottle of Zout and started spraying it all over the spot, grabbed some paper towel, rubbed the carpet and dabbed the liquid up. then i sprayed febreze and vaccuumed it. YET THERE IS A REALLY NOTICABLE WHITE SPOT!!! almost like i overcleaned the carpet. the carpet around it is quite dirty, and now there is that one clean spot! what did i do wrong? will this go away? also is it going to smell bad? how do i prevent it from smelling bad?
Don't use any carpet cleaners. Go old fashioned and use a little bit of club soda and let it soak for up to five minutes. Then take a towel and scrub with force. My great grandma and grandpa always used this. It works on virtually anything
How are residential and commercial carpets differ from each other?
A residential carpet is a good quality carpet, usually made of wool. A commercial carpet is usually some kind of acrylic and is of a lesser quality, but it is hard-wearing and tougher. It is used in rental apartments and places like offices where toughness is more important than looks or feel.
I have a carpet shampooer, and I'm doing my spring cleaning, and my carpets are off white, and as you can imagine they get quite dingy, especially in winter when people are walking in snow. I have quite a lot of traffic dirt and random spots. I've not been impressed in the past with the shampoo that came with my machine. Could I use oxiclean in my machine to brighten my carpets?
You most likely could do that if you add about a 1/4 cup of anti-foaming agent to each batch of soap solutuion. It is available at the carpet cleaning rental station at most grocery stores. It keeps the foam from overwhelming and damaging the machine.
how do my friend and I get blue-green marker stains out of carpet without making it worse? hopefully quickly?
i have this carpet cleaner stuff. i forget what it is called, but im sure you can find any normal carpet cleaner at any store. it even removed eyeliner
My sisters cat which we had for about 9 months, unexpectedly urinated on our carpet, twice. Is there a reason for this? Our cat knows where the litter is, so why urinate on the carpet?
Cats can be demanding. Have you changed types of litter you use or food you feed. Cats urinate on things sometimes to let you know they are mad. Sometimes they think the litter box needs changed more often too. They change as they age so always be on the lookout for new things they don't like.
Ok So Im Gonna Be Shampooing MY Carpets Tomorrow And I Dont Have any Carpet Cleaner Is THere Any Thing Else I Can use??
mmm get something at target. don't dare using any carpet cleaner company it's BS