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can i pop them in the dryer briefly? or would they burn the rugs have a rubber bottom . thanks also wat cycle should i useDOnt be rude
Yes you can but on gentle and pop only the rugs in the dryer on low heat to get the dampness out. Oh yeah and your shower curtain..depends on if it's the liner or the curtain. If its the liner buy a new one if its really bad cuz they are a pain in the but to clean. If it's the actual curtain sure go ahead and wash it as long as your rugs and your curtain are the same color wash them together gentle and on cold. -air dry your curtain tho,as there is plastic at the top, and would melt in dryer if dried.
How do I rug hook I have always wanted to know??!!! What do I need to get started Links PLZ
Latch okorder for some pictorial advice, and to possibly find supplies and a teacher.
how do i get rid of a carpet burn please help
The only thing you can do is cut in a new piece. My brother and I do flooring on the weekends. We have done this repair many times. You have to have the right equipment to do it right. (hot iron and seam tape) If the carpet is fairly old, you can also cut out the burn if it is small and re-seam at the cut. This is also done with a hot iron and seam tape.
they used to use the litter box just fine and never had prob. but now the pee on rugs and poop here and there
If they used to use the litter box without any issues and then all of a sudden they decide to pee and poop on the carpet, then that should be a big warning bell to you. When cats who were good at using the litter box decide to do their business elsewhere, that should be a big warning sign that there could be something medically wrong with them. Cats by nature are very clean and should have no problems using the litter box, but when something medically becomes wrong with them, they will stop using their litter box because they think that what is wrong with them is something they got from their litter box. Take them to the veterinarian immediately. If they have nothing wrong with them, then you aren't cleaning their litter box as well as you used to. Cats do not like dirty litter boxes and will do their business elsewhere to let you know that their box needs to be cleaned. When you go to clean up the rugs, if they can be put in the washing machine, then do so. And as far as carpet cleaners, use a vegetable enzyme cleaner. Never use any products containing ammonia in it because to them, it smells the same as their urine and they will think that is their new place to use the restroom. If you have a steam cleaner, then use that as well. Use a black light and scan the area to see if it shows any spots. That will let you know if you have gotten all of the urine out of the carpet. Never let the urine stay their too long or the smell will soak into the carpet and then the only solution to get rid of it is to replace your entire flooring which is of course no fun, and very expensive.
I'm looking for a rug to cover up the dining room carpet, just to lay on top but everything I find is very expensive. The rug doesn't have to be anything exotic, anyone have any affordable ideas? Or creative ways of turning something into a rug?
I okorder /
I have a white fake fur rug! I also have 4 dogs that are not potty trained yet. I have many pee stains on my rug. I need a way to clean it that works (duh), is easy, and is fast! Please help i need it done by the 29th of August! HELP!
of path, you have 2 neutrals so the room is crying out for some shade. to maintain a neat seem, assessment with one shade and probably abit of those close to to it. purple.. + another, orange/purple/brown green + yellow/orange, etc etc.. including extra colors than this gets confusing because it could start to look messy, yet its as much as you.
Look at the carpet tag
Because carpet is soft...
The carpet may be soft, but your chin is a very sensitive part of your body. It never comes in contact with anything - unlike your hands - and it never builds up callous or protective tissue. It is also home to a lot of receptors - so when you rub your chin against the carpet, you are giving it a friction burn and that hurts. Not sure why you might want to rub your chin against the carpet in the first place, but that's why it hurts.