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How to make a throw rug?
You okorder /... The main page has a lot of different links to instructions for specific rug styles. Hope this helps.
Well ,I am staying in san jose.I wanted to buy a 5'x 8' rug for my living room.My budget is $130 -$180.I'm looking for easy maintainance,good looking,easy cleaning.Also,when i sit on rug,the rug should not go down for 1 inch- 2inch1 uld u suggest where to buy in bay area.Can i buy JC Penny.?2.Also,what type of material should i buy?3.What are all the factors should i think in mind before buying it?Thanks
Most rugs are pretty low maintenence - just vaccuum.
My mans knee clearly looks like it has rug burn on it. No bruising, just red raw skin gone. matches pics on the internet of bug burn. He says he fell on the ice with sweatpants on. I cheated on my ex and got rug burn and said the same thing.. that I fell on the ice. Do you know how I can tell the differance? Can he fall on the ice and scrape all the skin off his knee without bruising thru his pants?
There's so much going on in this question. First, yes he can get a rug-burn type scrape through pants. The pants would be the rug contact. Second, that's what's so amazing about karma, even if he's completely innocent, he's gotten even because you're freaking out about it. Lastly, I guess if you cheated on him previously and he does use the same ice story, consider yourself paid back. There's really not a lot you can do about it but wonder and stew. Sorry. Maybe you can go out and cheat again to get even. Unfortunately, that's what happens when you bring infidelity into the marriage-- it's a slippery slope (yes, the ice joke was intentional).
My carpet is threadbare and needs replacing. The kids are almost grown and pets live outside. Should I get a timber floor or go with carpet again. Which is easier to keep clean? I know that carpet is dirty but it also hides a lot. If you have a timber floor and then get rugs, aren't you getting the vaccuum out anyway? What do you think?
Wood floor homes are noisier. Wood is easier to pick up tracked in keep a dust mop handy and wet mop as necessary.......but with the dust mop the wet mopping is less. If you get throw or area rugs, yes, you have to vacuum and still maintain the wood (plus I have to watch out for the fring on the rugs..LOL ) Carpets look fine if you don't get something that shows dirt every other day. Still you do need to vacuum often and have it cleaned regularly. If you are selling, wood floors garner a higher return.......until they go out of fashion again....if they do. You mentioned the kids are almost gone......babies might there you have grandchildren's tricycles, etc. Then your own we get older we may need walking assistence and wheelchairs and walkers roll better on wood or very short pile carpeting. Throw rugs are not for people with walking problems........we trip over them, LOL!
OK so i was wondering i i can touch a prayer rug during when menstruation cause i wash them every day and i wash every ones in my family so i wash 5 is it haram to touch it?
U can touch EVERYTHING except the Holy Quran. Nothing is wrong with that.
I have this rug I bought about a year ago I kept it really nice but the only problem is that my dog pooped on it I got the stain out but I am afraid it wont dry fluffy how it used to be any suggestions?
Judging by your picture.. I would just throw it out and get a new one.
my son just spilled 18 litres of paint on his bedroom carpet - I have scooped up what I can but there is obviously a massive paint puddle on the carpet - it is emulsion (non-oil based) - and suggestions?
Call the 800 number on the package. I'm thinking just pick up the carpet and replace it. 18 freeking liters of paint OMG!