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i just got it like 3 days ago and its no signs of infection and im just worried it might get that way. ive been reading online about people who got infections and people who had all this crap happen. what do i need to do to stop one from coming i mean i use contact solution and cotton swabs wipe it down with wet ones and clean it when i sweat and turn it twice a day.. im always careful about keeping it clean im a neat clean freak but is there anything else i can do to stop infection from coming
sounds like what your doing is fine. just keep it clean that's basically all you can do.
Said chrysanthemum disc scaffolding system, disc scaffolding system, wheel type scaffolding system, buckle scaffold, layher frame
PoleName specification A (mm) B (mm) theoretical weight (kg)Riser LG-60 6004LG-120 12007.41LG-180 180010.67LG-240 240014.02LG-300 300017.31
If I know the length , width and height of the area for the scaffold, how do I calculate the tonnage?
tonnage is related to the volume of a certain material to be used in a certain project... so as to volume, tonnage is just the volume of the material to be used, given the specifiations in this case, scaffolds. consult your design and count the distribution of the scaffolds to be used.. average ratio of scaffolding tonnage is a ton per 10 square meter... also depends on the quantity of the project.
Want to rent the scaffolding in the county, you need to cast how much money
Look what you want to do. Store rent is not.
Latch type disc scaffolding accessories is a national patent product
Disk lock scaffolding called socket type Pankou scaffold.
In the construction of steel pipe scaffolding steel pipe and steel stamping fastener usage ratio is how much?
Generally 200 tons of steel pipe with fasteners, and fasteners are generally divided into three kinds: right angle fasteners, connecting fasteners, rotating fasteners
what do you think?pain wise? i know it's going to hurt as it's a peircing (duh) but will it hurt especially as it's two thick pieces of cartilage?
it looks awesome just make sure you keep it under clean conditions, once it gets inflammed it is SUPER painful and dangerous
So, 12 Days Ago I Went To Blue Banana To Get Scaffolding On My Right Ear. Everything Went Fine And They Did A Brilliant Job. I Clean It With Sea Salt Soaks 2-3 Times A Day And Use A Bit Of Tea Tree Oil After To Help Sooth. I Was Just Wondering From People Who've Experienced This Piercing How Long It Took For Yours To Stop Hurting And The Time It Took For The Swelling To Go Down (: Thank You lt;3
It only really hurt for the first month-ish but was really tender for the first 3 months. After that, I barely noticed it was there. Goodluck :]