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Metal cutting machine tool manufacturing is mainly mechanical, machine, drilling machine, grinding machine etc.. Its safe operation
Operators wear tight work clothes, cuffs tight, long into the cap, rotating equipment, disable gloves;
What is the arrangement principle of cutting order in machining?
First datum, then other.That is to say, we should first process the surface that is used as the base of the precision, and then finish the other surfaces with the machined standard as the reference.
How about the metal cutting parameters?
According to the cutting force allowed by the process system, including the machine feed system, workpiece rigidity and surface roughness requirements during finishing, determine the feed rate.
How is the cutting force calculated in a metal cutting unit?
In metal cutting, the tool cuts into the workpiece and deforms the machined material and becomes the force required for the chip. This is called the cutting force.
The main form of bit wear is the front wear Is that right?Shaper processing is a forming process? Yes?
The main form of bit wear is the front wear Usually. But some high-temperature alloys, non-metallic grinding materials on the sub resistance wear equally quickly, for example, commonly used POM plastic
What are the main factors that affect the quality of metal cutting?
Influence of wear resistance on surface quality. A just finished friction pair two contact surface, the initial stage in the surface roughness of the peaks of the contact, the actual contact area is far less than the theoretical contact area in contact with each other, the Department has a very large unit of stress, the actual contact area generated at the shear plastic deformation and elastic deformation between shape and peak damage caused by severe wear.
Causes of retention of mechanical metal chip cutters
Product cut tumor is unstable in the cutting process, it is time now, later, to a certain height, broken by the workpiece and cutting away and disappear, and then destroy the estate was born again and again. The surface of the workpiece is uneven and the surface roughness decreases. It also causes vibration during cutting and speeds up tool wear.
What is the relationship between metal cutting and numerical control machine tools?
You learn metal cutting completely, CNC operation is simple, mainly learning programming.