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I thought hair metal was just the way you looked, with the big hair that looked like it could serve as a woman's hairdo. But guess theres more to it than that? So what is the difference between hair metal and just straight metal?
Bloodthirsty for Metal gave a great answer I guess I'll just sum up what I think: -It's more rapping with down-tuned guitars than actual metal -Most nu-metal bands just tried to copy Korn (the originators of this genre) rather than find their own sound, and hence most sound exactly the same -99% of all nu-metal lyrics revolve around teen angst, whining about how painful life is, more angst, and some more angst -Guitarists of this genre aren't particularly talented or innovative, in fact, I would say that they're completely untalented hacks: nu-metal guitar parts usually just consist of playing power chords on down-tuned guitars -Limp Bizkit, enough said
What is the process to recycle metal?
hmm well this is like goth/fantasy metal (not gonna strive for a perfect label but just describing it) kinda like evanescence or lacuna coil but a bit more fantasy oriented. im more into other types of metal, but this is pretty good. liked the song.
Crying metal
well everyone will have a different opinion on the first two. personally i think Black Sabbath started the whole metal scene. there are MANY different types of metal, doom metal, death metal, glam metal, alternative metal, nu metal, goth metal, power, progressive, speed, thrash, dark, extreme, industrial, black metal.... the list goes on and on. youll have to become a metalhead to recognize the wide varieties, but if you want examples of certain bands from each genre, i suggest Wikipedia.
i have a final tomorow and one of the things i need to know is:How pure metals are obtained and calculate % metal in ore.please explain, and a site or example will help TY
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Metal Gear 1995 Solid Snake Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid (The Twin Snakes) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Metal Gear Solid: Rising Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots No the timeline goes like this (Im not excluding any Non-Solid games)
and which is most reactive, metals- matalloids- non metals- noble gases.so therefore on the periodic table, does it get more reactive on the right side than the left as the atomic radius decreses??
Black Metal- fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, double-kick drumming, and unconventional song structure. also, lot of controversy b/c a few bands have asshole members who burn churches down coughcoughburzumcoughcough black metal bands: Mercyful Fate, Celtic Frost, Dark Throne, Emperor Death Metal- same as black metal except with deeper, growling voices, faster drumming, and very intricate song structures, always changing tempo death metal bands: Possessed, Necrophagia, Morbid Angel, Obituary Extreme Metal- no such genre, it just refers loosely to thrash metal, black metal and death metal Power Metal- traditional metal mixed with thrash and speed, adding a bit of a symphonic feel to it to make it feel epic power metal bands- blind guardian, stratovarius, helloween, manowar
What is progressive metal?
Obituary, Death, Slayer, Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Onslaught, Kreator, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, Bloodbath, Entombed, Exodus, Possessed, Necrophagist, etc..
I like all sub genres of it, but whats so bad about nu metal?
yeah.. technical death metal is very difficult to play, so you kind of have to be a perfectionist to be good at it
Who's the pioneer/pioneers of industrial metal?
no its not possible, what the **** do you mean? there are many different types of metal-death, black, doom, stoner, heavy, rap-metal, nu-metal(the latter two suck)... screamo is another genre entirely. unless you mean metal where the vocalist doesn't scream and if so i would suggest doom/stoner metal-listen to sabbath and kyuss for starters...enjoy!...................... EDIT-fat man screamo IS a genre, it may be a very ****, weak and lame genre nowadays but when it started out early 1990s it was alot more credible.