Galvanized Steel Wall Panels

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Help, carpenters plate problem, is the green of Nanjing is good, or the horse's green sea good?
Nanjing is not necessarily cheaper than the Ma On Shan This is a sure I have a customer so things are driving their own to Nanjing to buy the results of the installed down a pair of more than the price of Ma'anshan local prices more than regret ah
Why choose the lion's Provence cabinet plate?
From the current market in terms of household products, the domestic low-grade solid wood cabinets in the use of 2 to 3 years will crack deformation, because the process does not meet the requirements, the proposed customer, you can choose Ke Liao film pressure of the old Provencal.
Round round plate, environmental protection plate top ten brands
Now the decoration is environmentally friendly sheet, the top ten brands are: round and round, Fuqing, Moganshan, Millennium boat, bunny, etc.
First, the backplane is generally 9MM, the door is generally 15MM, the cabinet is generally 18MM, the reasons are as follows, the cabinet is shaped, basically rarely move it, 9 thick wall, without any strength, cost Reduce the door to do the paint, both sides of the panel also add up to 15 +3 * 2 = 21, do not say, the general plate can not do paint, must be decorated panels, and drawers with nine thick floor , Taking into account the drawer space and weight problems, the use of convenience, as well as the aesthetic degree, so that, so that the cost is reduced, without affecting the use, and beautiful, if it is a board furniture finished cabinet, may use 18MM , Taking into account its stability
Plate furniture is not really good if the back of the wardrobe with a thin backplane is even more ideal you will feel the cabinet will shake the drawer floor is too thin will collapse
Always said that the plate is very complex, think about learning a little professional knowledge
Can be distinguished by the following steps and methods: First is "see", but also to see the focus. Good plate surface smooth and smooth, the edge of the board is very clear. As well as the packaging on the plate is clear, the above name, address, grade, specifications and other information are complete, not clear, incomplete information or more attention to the plate, and may be added to the color of the plate. Two smell, because the legendary formaldehyde is released from the plate, will directly affect people's health. Good plate not only good choice of materials, but also for the adhesive glue is environmentally friendly, even if the number of more stacked together, it will not emit a very pungent taste. If the choice of a plate placed in the home there is a very obvious pungent chemical smell, it should be noted. ?Three saws, before the purchase can be a small sample to the business, and then cut it to see its inner core, a good plate section level is very clear, because it is a layer of paste a very tight, very good convergence, and those miscellaneous Wood stitching the poor quality of the plate core is not dense, must not buy. Four test, through the relevant identification agencies, with professional tools and related technical means to identify the plate to determine the quality of good or bad, this method is more professional and accurate. Plate material is also an important factor is the moisture content, the general moisture content of the plate should be less than 16%, if too high that is not good, may be a while will be mildew or deformation.
How to distinguish between true and false Qingdao wood of the big core board
1, look at the manufacturer's trademark, production address, security signs and so on. Now fake big brand "near the brand" products too much. Of course, now some of the counterfeit products really super difficult to distinguish between true and false, it can only once again carefully read. 2. Look at the appearance of big core board. See whether the surface of the big core board, with or without warping, deformation, with or without blistering, depression. If the bonding strength is not good, weigh its corner will be "creak" open plastic sound. And then with the mouth of the device to knock the surface of the plate, listen to the sound is very different, if the sound has changed, indicating the existence of hollow inside the plate. And see whether there is no glue around, putty, generally putty are to cover up. 3. See if there is a smell. If the big core plate distributed fragrance of wood smell, indicating less formaldehyde release; if the smell pungent, indicating more formaldehyde release, do not buy. Tell the truth now on the market to the people to decorate the majority of E2 board, E1 rarely find, E0 less, a lot even if the paste E1 or E0, in fact, not necessarily true compliance, as long as the above 3:00 no problem Basically nothing, and more to take a few look like a good decoration is the most important ventilation is more than a month or more to distribute formaldehyde.
How to get rid of formaldehyde in furniture sheet?
Formaldehyde capture agent Into the new home, the new office, the newly renovated shops, there will be dazzling, pungent, throat discomfort, which is caused by formaldehyde. Formaldehyde (HCHO) has been recognized by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic and teratogenic substances, is recognized as allergic sources, can cause respiratory diseases, women's irregular menstruation, neonatal malformations, acute mental depression, severe can lead to respiratory, , Gastrointestinal cancer. At present, the visible formaldehyde trapping agent can penetrate into the artificial plate to produce active adsorption, capture and react to formaldehyde free molecules. Once the reaction produces non-toxic polymer compounds, it will never decompose, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid and effective elimination of formaldehyde. Special Note: The product is simple to operate, sprayed on a variety of man-made sheet surface and furniture on the back and back. Price reference: 600ml loaded for 68 yuan (Tianyun licensing).
Why is the PTFE sheet so slippery?
In the plastic commonly known as "plastic king" of the PTFE plate, with excellent chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, self-sealing, non-stick, non-scaling and other excellent performance. Applicable equipment: the reactor, storage tanks, valves and containers lining, gaskets and so on.