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properties of group 1 metals
Well...screamo, emo, punk, core aren't metal dude. They're just scene kid music. Real metal subgenres are stuff like death metal, black metal, doom metal, thrash metal, power metal, and their many subgenres aswell..melodic black metal, symphonic black..etc. There are many good bands out now, under these subgenres...if you've never heard of them you should definitly check 'em out dude. I love just about all subgenres of metal. (Not hardcore and screamo) haha Oh and by the way... Meshuggah is Metalcore. Hardcore dude. Not metal.
I am a little confused. whether Mercury is considered base metal and is it considered a Non-Ferrous metal.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Facts about Transition metals? I just need some cool facts about the Transition metals. Like I said the first two times, I am working on an Inquiry on the periodic table
Isn't Iced Earth the biggest american power metal band? Well I love em but I need some more american power metal bands! The problem is they all sound like each other :( Jag Panzer sound like another Iced Earth D: The same is for Euro power metal! They all are like Stratovarius! Can anyone name any original underground power metal? I already listen the most original power metal bands like Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Hammerfall, Edguy, Avantasia, Sabaton, Sonata Arctica and Statovarius.
I'm going to assume you just want a band, not necessarily a suggestion or favourite: Traditional Heavy Metal: Angel Witch Thrash Metal: Vio-lence Doom Metal: Pentagram Stoner Metal: Kyuss First-Wave Black Metal: Sarcofago Black Metal: Tsjuder Speed Metal: Judas Priest Progressive Metal: Queensryche Death Metal: Death Technical Death Metal: Necrophaghist Melodic Death Metal: Children of Bodom Folk Metal: Ensiferum Alternative Metal: Deftones Groove Metal: Exhorder Viking Metal: Bathory (really the only true Viking metal band musically)
Relate to the molecular orbital model for metals.
I doubt you will get many answers to this as most have never heard of the genre. I used to listen to Opeth which is not exactly doom metal but it is close. Personally I love grunge metal, metalcore, and some thrash and death. Also dont mind Industrial Fave bands: Chimaira, Lamb Of God and DevilDriver. Have you seen Metal: A Headbanger's Journey? If not I recommend you get it as it is an AWESOME movie ALL about METAL.
Black metal is never normally really associated with technical skill although there are definitely bands that are more than proficient. Some however seem to stand out abit more, and one of those bands imo is Abgott.
Modern technical death metal is pretty god awful. As well as modern brutal death metal. Luckily the rise of new-old school death metal bands is overtaking the influence of those terrible, terrible bands. And Its not as bad as Nintendocore..., HEY, there's only one nintendocore band and that's HORSE the Band, and HORSE the Band rules. HtB only made up the term nintendocore as a joke, then other douchebags thought it'd be funny to try and make it a real thing. NO. But if you would consider crunkcore in the metal spectrum (which I probably wouldn't), then it is far and away the worst. But apart from that, probably nu-metal. I still love System of a Down and Deftones and I still respect Slipknot for getting me into extreme metal (I know they're not extreme metal themselves, but they got me into it), but just about every nu-metal band otherwise sounds absolutely boring as hell to me.
What are the differences between metals, non-metals, and metalloids? How do they help us in our everyday lives?
Very few metals exist in the elemental state due to their chemical activity. Gold and copper can be found as elemental metals. Most metals occur in nature as compounds such as metal oxides, metal sulfides, etc Metals can be extracted from their compounds by chemically combining the compound with an electron donor (reducing agent) or by electrolysis as used in refining aluminum from its ore. Google refining of metals and see what you find.
Don't say Nu Metal, or Glam, because there are worse genres.
The first metals that people used were actually discovered by accident. People in ancient Mesopotamia saw molten copper and lead on the ground where they built their fires. They learned that the metal has useful properties and cast tools in the ground, using small drainage ditches from the fire pits. (we're talking inches here!)
Remember Pop fans Metal isn't just the black metal crap that you hear on the radioRemember Metal there are still some quality pop songs (very very little but there is always one once in a while)
In no particular order... Iron Maiden Bruce Dickinson (solo work) Megadeth Judas Priest Saxon Bullet For My Valentine Anthrax Korn Black Sabbath