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I'm 21 i have $600,000 i'm looking to invest asap!. I want to buy my Lamborghini lol!.Is there anyway i can invest my money in real estate asap if so how?
You need to slow down and learn before you make serious mistakes. Start with one property purchase, then add more slowly. Find a good real estate agent and always work through that person.
During the early part of this decade their was a real estate boom and now as a result, their are a record number of people losing their homes.Was it inevitable that it would end up this way, or is there a way that this could have been controlled so that their would not this massive fallout?
I remember the day Clinton pointed his finger and said I want every american to own a home After that, deregulation went rampid. Interest only loans sprang up, followed by ARMS, options, and variable rates. No controls whatsoever. People were left on their own to read the fine print or their mortgages - some could not read - obviously. It was in plain black and white that the interest rate could triple their payment - maybe they didn't want to read it. /
how do i get a real estate license dealing in international and national estates
See if there is a local real estate school that you can attend. After you take the course, you will most likely have to take a state real estate test. I know each state licenses real estate agents for that state so I'm not sure how you will work nationally or internationally unless you get a license in each place you want to work. The teacher at the real estate school can probably help you.
what career should I study in college to star a real estate company?
to answer your question (its besides the point if real estate is a good industry to be in right now) I would concentrate on finance and/or business management/administration if you plan on starting a real estate company.
I would like to get into real would a beginner go about this?
We discover these investments all that individuals are creating going slope down. It's not good for some individuals but foreclosures are sky high. The Actual Estate drop is just an ideal chance for everyone. In case your wish to begin your career as an agent than you ought to study correctly if you're not unwilling to become an online representative than you and about this what features expertise a Genuine Estate Agent must poses should also research the industry that is web. You need to be documented as being an agent that is authorized after the end of your reports by this way you can start your career being a professional agent.
I have a job interview for a real estate company for a referral rep position? it says no experience nec. what exactly does a referral rep do?
I am additionally a mortgage officer. It could now not be a contravention of RESPA, however most likely could be a contravention of state legislation, relying in your state. You could have 1099 staff who marketplace for you, however they have got to be licenced as mortgage officials as good. Anyone who's paid to speak with consumers approximately loans have got to be certified as a mortgage officer. This is specific relying at the state you're employed in however such a lot states have this equal requirement, and honestly after considering it I trust the regulation. I could now not wish untrained and unlicensed persons giving understanding and promoting loans. I have noticeable a number of corporations who rent 1099 staff, get them certified, then pay them 15-20% on closed loans. A senior mortgage officer (you) could make the steadiness of the break up, in view that you're going to undoubtedly be doing the paintings at the mortgage.
What schooling and what not do you need to become a real Estate agent and is it a good field to get into? Also what does this job involve a person to do?
You do not have got to be 21, or at the least now not in some states. I got my real property license on the age of 19 and had been/and can be working as an assistant except this summer when i'll start being a full time real estate agent. Certainly a enterprise will take you in, but preserve in mind that promoting pricey houses and gaining appreciate can be tougher than you initially imagined, exceptionally in case you are simply promoting as a aspect job.
Hey guys, I have a few questions about the real estate business. I am going to school to become a real estate agent and will be obtaining my license soon in the state of Maryland. My questions are: What is your annual salary as a real estate agent?How many houses do agents typically sell each year?How long did it take you do sell your first house after receiving your license.And what should i expect while in the field?I know most of my questions depends on the state which you are located in and the work that you put in, but id still like to know others experiences. -Thank guys
Real estate agents make between $23,195 - $108,227a year.