Highest Rated Vacuum Cleaners

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In other words, why are some electric motors very quiet but others are so loud? Why can't they make a quiet vacuum cleaner?
in vehicles,provided a silencer for reducing noise.the fact that Electric motors are very quiet than IC engines used in vehicles.Now a day many companies make quiet vaccum cleaner.
Has anyone purchased one of these outrageously expensive vacuum cleaners? We have a yellow lab that sheds like crazy. We have a horrible time with vacuum cleaners. We have had Dysons and just had one die on us. Does anyone have any feedback on these vacuums?
we have a Miele Blue Moon. We also had a very hairy dog. But we bought it because of allergies. it picks up and keeps dust mite droppings which no other vacuum does. but you have to change the HEPA once a year for it to do that. The bags and hepa are rather costly but we have had it 9 years and it works great. The only other tip I'd give is keep the height setting one setting higher if you find it is overheating when you vacuum. we have shag carpet so it was overheating the powerhead set at 1. We love it and it definitely works better than the less expensive models.
My pool vacuum has no suction and I have no psi rating, my polaris wont work either. Is something clogged how do I unclog it?
Some Polaris' are pressure washers and need a separate pump to make them work. Others are vacuum side cleaners and use your pool pump to power them. Check your filter it is likely dirty and causing low pressure and low water flow. You're welcome!!
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.Good morning, said the young man. quot;If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.quot;quot;Go away!said the old lady. quot;I haven't got any money!quot;and she proceeded to close the door. Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open. quot;Don't be too hasty!he said. quot;Not until! you have at least seen my demonstration.And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto her hallway carpet. quot;If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder.quot;The old lady stepped back and said, quot;Well I hope you've got a darned good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning.quot;
He sure was a dumb dude, should of listened to the old lady. that is a good joke.
Like as far as safety or sales and demographics etc. The product is vacuum cleaners.
watch your nose as they slam the door.
Please read the following text first and answer my question.1. Is it feasible to make these appliances such as vacuum cleaners, illuminations, TVs, HDD recorders, air conditioners and such smarter in such a short period?When I feel the distance between quot;makeand quot;smarteris a bit far away, how should I rewrite it?
Here's one way of writing it: Is it feasible to make appliances such as vacuum cleaners, illuminations, TVs, HDD recorders, and air conditioners, smarter in such a short period of time?
why do we use the word vacuum? is a vacuum created inside the appliance?
Fan blades turned by a motor create a suction (partial vacuum' inside the machine which sucks up the dirt. It's similar to you drinking a liquid with a straw. You stick one end of the straw into the liquid and suck on the other end. You create a vacuum inside the straw and it sucks up the liquid to fill the empty space (vacuum).
I actually asked a sales man this question once and his answer seemed resonable. He said that light is for areas of your room that have low lightshadows and such. For example, behind a couch or under tables. I never vacuum those areas so I had no idea. It is helpful once I put it to the test. The light needs to be a little brighter on my Kenmore. My Dyson (newer one) does not have a light....I dont think.