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I just bought a house. The walls are painted a light tan and most of my furniture in my living room is black. What color curtains should I get? I have wood floors and I have a red shag area rug that I might use depending on curtain color.
you can go for red orange and buccaneer
Aluminum curtain wall and glass curtain wall of the cost of who is higher?
Look at the material! Can not be true.
Glass curtain wall construction to pay attention to what?
Sealing material, glass and glass between the use of weathering silicone rubber seal, glass and metal structure between the use of structural silicone adhesive. Building point glass technology sealant only from the sealing effect, do not have to calculate the strength. In the use of glue and contact materials must be carried out before the compatibility test, performance testing qualified, and used within the validity period, strictly abide by the operating procedures to ensure the quality of construction.
Building curtain wall practice
Curtain wall is the external walls of the building, do not bear the same, like the curtain hanging up, it is also known as the hanging wall, is a modern large and high-rise buildings with decorative effect of the light wall. By the structural framework and mosaic plate composition, does not assume the main structure of the load and the role of the building envelope.
i have a black and white sofa and i want a curtain ..may wall is beige..any ideas what color is good?
Sounds like everything, so far, is very neutral. The curtains are a good place to pop in what ever color you want to add to the room. Any color will work greens, blues, red/purples. This is a great opportunity to add texture to the room as well. I personally would add a green to the mix, but that's a personal choice.
I am in the process of opening a dance studio and I am trying to make a very simple, affordable buildout. There is one main space that is the large main studio and there is a small side studio that currently has a wall up that I want to extend by literally 5 feet.... The ceiling are incredibly high (approx 25 feet from what I can tell) and I was interested in perhaps putting a heavy, large, soundproof like curtain to separate the two rooms rather than building another very tall wall. Something similar to what you would see in a gym, that would divide it in half, that are fairly soundproof. The small room would not be in a ton of use but I want the option to shut it off from the rest. I need to know what terminology Id be looking for to search online for a product type or if anything exists?
Room divider. Acoustical Partition. Temporary, adjustable sound proof barriers.
What is the fixed glass curtain wall?
In the wall with embedded metal bolts and angle code will be vertical channel steel, horizontal angle or square steel welded into a metal frame fixed, and then combined aluminum alloy frame and metal frame consolidation, and then the structural adhesive glue glass in aluminum On the frame.
42 meters high curtain wall need to do lightning it? Design Institute requirements 45 meters below do not need to do, have this request?
If the design institute said no more than 45 meters to do, then this building is the second class of mine building. Building lightning protection requirements of a class of lightning protection building more than 30 meters to do anti-side strike, two types of lightning protection building more than 45 meters to do anti-side strike, three types of lightning protection building more than 60 meters to do anti-