• Factory price china yuchai diesel generator sets 820kw System 1
Factory price china yuchai diesel generator sets 820kw

Factory price china yuchai diesel generator sets 820kw

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open type dioesel generator with yuchai enginee 
1) Factory direct sale 
(2) CE, ISO9001 quality 

Power range



All series powered by Yuchai engine


All series owning alternator options of Stamford/Marathon/ENGGA

Controller system

Hanging control box, automatic control module Smartgen HGM6310

Base frame

International channel steel welded base, inbuilt composite damping system; sandblast, acid-washing, antiseptic treatment


Standard genset-joining radiator of 40 °C ambient temperature



Diesel generator Powered by Yuchai Engine,which yuchai is a large state-owned enterprise and a Nasdaq listed company in USA (NYSE:CYD). Its main business covers diesel engine, contruction machinery, vehicle parts. The engines produced by Yuchai include series YC6G, YC4G, YC4E to which American technology applied, series YC6A, YC6B, YC6J, YC4B, YC4D, YC4F, YC4W to which German technology applied, and YC6M series in which world top technology integrated, totally 12 series.

YUCHAI SeriesPower(KW)Power(KVA)Jichai Engine ModelCylinder NO.Fuel consumption

Q: I live on an island and we only have one power company they have taken our power away from us and because we were stealing power from them and would have to pay a hefty fee which we decided not to pay. we are running on a diesel generator right now but i was wondering if natural gas or propane generators are cheaper and or more efficient. ive checked the gas suppliers website for prices but it wasnt very helpfull.I would need a generator that is about 15 kW
Diesel generators are about the best and heavy duty for continuous running. You need to remember that diesel generators work best running 90% to 110% load the majority of the time. You should judge you power consumption on the peak usage and not on the maintained usage. Check your power consumption when everything is turned on. Such as well water pump, microwave, washer, dryer, oven, stove, refrigerator, TV, computers, etc. Units like these will pull the most power and you will have to accommodate for these items when they are all on, if your generator may not support the total load and start popping breakers or just shut down. With everything turned on your generator should pull 110% to 130% of the load, this is good. If your current generator cannot do this then you will need to get a bigger one. Plan for the maximum use just in case you forget to turn something off before you use some other appliance. Diesel oil is safer then bottled gas and has less restriction on the transportation of this fuel. Less chance of starting a fire and blowing something up. Diesel can run a longer time on less than on bottled gas. If you mix in some kerosene, the fuel will burn a little cleaner and hotter. This mixture will survive colder temperatures. Either natural gas or propane gas generators are good but, can you put a large enough tank on your island to support 24 hour usage? 100 gallon tanks can be used but transporting them to your island might be a problem and how often do you have to refill them.
Q: I am looking to save money on the electric/gas bill this winter and am considering a diesel generator to supply domestic power at 240 volts.Is this practical?
Home made electricity from a generator is more expensive than that from a supplier. They get huge bulk discount on fuel and their equipment is way more efficientt. But, and this is quite a big but. if you also use a heat exchanger on the exhaust and use the engine cooling system to heat your house, you win hands down. Think of it as either sightly more expensive electricity and free heating, or slightly more tricky heating and free electricity.
Q: I Have an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard with the chipset fan going at over 6000 RPM, an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ with the CPU fan at about 3000 RPM, and a GeForce 6200LE with a very high pitched fan that's dead annoying. To cut a long story short, my PC makes way more noise than it should be, now I don't have any case fans installed but that shouldn't mean that it has to make this sort of howling, believe me, if you were sitting next to it, you'd understand where I'm comin from, it's like tryin to sleep at night with a diesel generator in your room while it's downloading stuff. The fans shouldn't need to spin that fast as the average temp is about 30-40 degrees Celsius across all the components. Anyone know what I should try? Cheers Sam The Bam
Go okorder
Q: avr is automatic voltage regulator for power generators
If you mean the build-in pcb of a fuel/diesel generator which build-up voltage initially and then keep it stable under any load, then read this: First you need to see your generator minimum requirements to determine specs of AVR. You will probably found a label on generator with those Information: Ex. volt (maximum excitation voltage) Ex. amp (maximum excitation amperage) Your AVR output must exceed those specs. If generator is brushless type in most cases it does. Also input voltage of AVR must be the same as output of generator (ex. 110V110V, 220V220V). If generator is triple phase then you can do the same (ex. 380V380V, 440V440V) but if generator have output in star formation then you can use node for a smaller voltage of AVR (ex. 380V220V, 440V253V). If generator work in parallel operation (usually marine main generators does) then things get complicated. In this case AVR is good to support current transformer to make generator more elastic under load fluctuations and match other generators in the same circuit.
Q: i want to see the model of this perkins generating set
That is the serial number for the engine only YD-35028- U-730936-F YD engine family 35028 parts list or sos number U country of manufacture in this case UK 730936 engine serial number F year of manufacturing Perkins Sold engines to many generator Manufacturers I can buy a Perkins engine and assemble a gen set with any available generator head and put (XTZ big bucks generator) on it for the name
Q: I am thinking about installing solar panels on my roof and I am just wondering if it will be possible to completely get my house off the grid. I live in the state of Missouri. I am thinking to buy a house in Florida also and I want to install solar panels on that house if I ever buy it. How many KW will it take lets say for an average 3-4 BDRM?
you might consider going of the grit including geothermal cooling maybe heating (we have heating) since it gets warm there sometimes (so i hear) - this will bring your electric use up again, we doubled ours to ~1400 kwh/month or better depending on the weather, cooling uses less energy with geothermal. regarding solar, keep an eye on solar pv and new developments in the near future
Q: Hello. we are installing a Diesel Generator for running our house. We are off grid. We are buying a Cummins 15 KVA/12KW Prime Power Generator. This generator can supply 23 Amps per phase in the standby mode with a PF of .8 With the normal set up, we can run only 3, single phase 18,000 BTU ACs, one on each phase. I read somewhere that by installing Power factor Capacitors, we can install more than one AC on each phase. Do you know anything about that? Is it an easy task or do I need to get an engineering degree for this? I'm some what comfortable with doing electrical work and can do minor calculations as well.Any help would be really appreciated.Greetings from Iran
I'm not an HVAC expert, but I am an electronics expert. the power factor caps are used to limit the huge power surge when the AC compressor kicks in. They do not give you free power or allow more load. They just smooth out the load to protect the genset. there is a saying in the AC world about ELI the ICE man. in an inductive circuit voltage leads current, in a capcitive circuit, current leads voltage. the compressor is inductive, so you add capacitance to adjust the power factor.
Q: can't those nuclear material in japan be kept inside a container that is not affected by it like lead?or shifted to an isolated location.
Humans have not quite figured out how to safely use nuclear energy. Despite the best technical minds in the world, Japan, Russia, and the USA have failed to prevent disasters. Having worked in the nuclear energy field for an energy company and as a vendor, I can tell you that the rules are bent regularly despite what the PR folks tell the world and all those painful paper trails. The world as presented by spokespeople, executives, and media does not exist. The idea that a bigger technological hammer will solve problems created by an already oversized and uncontrollable technology just is insane. A big lead cap will just cause an explosion that is even bigger and more widespread. The only solution is long term. We must stop this insane technology that benefits the very wealthy elite who profit by putting these projects together. GE and Bechtel make out like bandits. It's the tax payer and the rest of us who end up footing the bill. We also have an even more deadly pandemic underway thanks to our friends at Monsanto. A small percentage of folks are now suffering from gluten allergies that are the direct result of genetic modifications to wheat. Many common foods we eat, like wheat, corn, and soy is constantly being changed and the problems (allergies and built in pest resistance) is are not immediately apparent. Some instances of poisoning from GM products are documented, but many may not be linked to the real cause for many years, if at all. More technology is not the answer.
Q: I need a generator that will power alot of stuff, preferably cheap as possible, or any other power source of that kind.it will need to power about 5 normal appliances and a 600w bulbany ideas
Cheap as possible - go Chinese if you want to use it once a year and don't care if it goes paf at any time. Honda makes some good units if you want quality and back up. You need to add up the power draw of your five normal applications and your 600w lighting load. Add 25% and the unit will be adequate. If your appliances have induction motors you will have to have at least three times the rated power of the motor(s) to get them to start safely. If you need more than 3000 watts of constant power you should consider diesel, for longevity go for slow speed i.e.1500 or 1800 rpm engine speed. Price will range from $400 for a 2500w Chinese thingy up to at least $14,000 for a fully enclosed automatic 12KvA super silenced slow speed diesel unit on a slide. Running costs get high with the bigger petrol units. Inverters are good, but you will still have to generate power some how for the batteries - wind, water, solar, generator etc. Will be more expensive to set up but will be better long term for a cabin or similar. I'll tack on a couple of links below. Good luck.
Q: For a new observatory in the Andes at 17,000 feet, we need to provide power continuously for 4 months. Requirement is 208VAC, 3 phase, 10 kW. The site is accessible by large truck, but connecting to the power grid is out of the question. We are thinking diesel generators and large fuel tanks. Any suggestions out there? Thanks.
Well, okorder

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