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I know some girls that like Thrash metal. But i don't know any that like Death/Black metal like me.(I also like thrash metal.)
No, they're hard rock. As a general rule if it's not on metal archives, it's not metal (unless it hasn't been added or attempted to be added yet)
Does anyone else agree with me that A7X and BFMV are metal bands???
just so i know what you're talking about : Black metal is an extreme metal subgenre. The genre is characterized by an aggressive and abrasive sound, coupled with a dark atmosphere and rejection of Judeo-Christian values.
I just need some cool facts about the Transition metals. Like I said the first two times, I am working on an Inquiry on the periodic table
they are nu metal not hard rock what makes them this is there melodic tones and undistorted bass and guitar.
I will give you a hint:real metal-megadeth,fake metal-metallica.So what do you think is the answer?
Alternative metal isn't, but I don't know about this altenative metal. It sounds Satanic.
A lot of 'nu-metal' bands are considered alternative metal bands. Are the two genres different? I believe there is a slight difference. So the main question is... are they the same? What makes them different?
Types Of Metal Music
SO what exactly is Christian Metal and what are some bands that perform christian metal?
it may be coming out. i will not doubt it. there has been many talks about this. just like rockband came out for wii later on.
I am very tempted to buy the Metal Gear Solid bundle on PSN. Would playing these three games lay a firm foundation to understanding the series. I know there were other Metal Gear games for earlier consoles. Are the other games essential? The bundle includes Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear 3: Snake Eater, and Metal Gear: Peace Walker. I was going to re purchase Metal Gear 1, too. Would playing these 4 games be enough to fully understand what is going on before Metal Gear 4 drops for the new PS4 coming out?
No im not really judgemental about bands but cradle of filth is horrible dont listen to that.
What are heavy metals? how are they produced? How do they get into natural ecosystems? where are heavy metals produced/found in Tasmania?
It takes less energy to create a new aluminum can than to make an aluminum can from recycled aluminum. To explain further, the aluminum ore must first be mined, then transported, then processed and then melted and molded into new cans. The recycled aluminum cans eliminate several of the first steps.