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There are many types of gadgets and machinery stuff made by mechanical engineers. But what kinds are the most focus on and most popular?
Dude, mechanical engineering is very broad and it's almost impossible to answer your question. But I guess I would say automobiles and electronic gadgets used in everyday life (computers, phones, medical devices). It all depends on where you land a job.
Would it be considerd against ethics to use city owned equipment for the athletic club dept, which is a county owned school? This equipment is being used after hours and weekends too for athletic club use.
If the city allowed the use, there is no ethical issue.
Okay, so I'm looking through my bio textbook (not ap) and I come across this graphic about the HIV virus. There's a strip of text that talks about how the virus replicates itself:HIV is equipped with the enzyme reverse transcriptase.........Using the cell's **gene translation machinery**, this DNA then directs the production of thousands of viruses.The thing inside the **s . What is it? Cells don't have machinery! Why does the book call it translation machinery?
It dopes your bodies Gene's into that Genes the Virus needs to survive and spread. All DNA has the capability of changing and is all Pre-Coded. You can understand some of the work by listening to Rhawn Joseph and the Origin of life and Gene selection
What are the listed companies of construction machinery in China? What are the shares of A?
You do not know what kind of system software, but generally have plate classification, selection of machinery manufacturing industry classification inside there is a plate. It's full of stock in the industry. The typical representatives are Sany, ZOOMLION and so on.
I need solutions to questions at the end of chapters 7,8 and 11 of the Electric Machinery 5th edition by Fitzgerald. Does anyone still have? I know its quite 20 decades ago.
see the Pearson's chi square test
Anti Gun people in america have to be a little dishonest. I am sorry but the Constitution is clear.
Chinese people make world class high tech machinery, so are their cars any good?
I wouldn't buy anything from China. Poison baby formula, poison drywall, no industry standards, no Q/A, no ethics.
The government makes policies telling us what to do, without our consent, then they monitor us all to make sure we're complying. If we don't comply with even the smallest rule, they fine or jail us, while paedopiles and rapists get through the criminal justice system with a slap on the wrist. The political system over here is glossy, sleezy and every political party is the same, so we have no choice. Or am I just being cynical?