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Other than using a freezer, what are the ways that you can make ice without machinery?
You can make ice with fertilizer and water. Why it works: Ammonium nitrate (a chemical found in fertilizer)is a salt, which is made up of a 50/50 mixture of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen. When ammonium nitrate is mixed with equal parts water the ammonium nitrate dissolves into the water. The energy is absorbed from the water, which causes the temperature of the water to decrease and therefore freeze, creating ice. Here is what you do: Fill a bucket with equal parts water and ammonium nitrate(fertilizer) place a smaller metal bowl (you can’t use plastic as it is an insulator) half filled with water in the bucket and wait. The bowl of water will freeze and you have clean ice
In a garage I store a saw that has some nooks and crannies that if not blown out with a high powered blower has caused the motor to cease up. They like to get into my riding mower during the winter also.
good night Poison them of bye enjoy your night
Yeah, that's pretty much the question.....10 points to best.
Hmmm, this is like asking how having a power cable be used to run a TV. A tv can't run without it. It's there are a lot of other things/factors/processes that enable the tv to run, but the power cord is still mandatory. Likewise for atp/adp recycling. It's not really used to run the machinery. It's a mandatory part of the metabolism of a cell. When ATP us used, energy is released from the ATP molecule. The byproducts of the reaction are reused. You can sort of think of them as rechargeable batteries.
On July 23 of the current year, Serena Mining Co. pays $4,612,500 for land estimated to contain 5,125,000 tons of recoverable ore. It installs machinery costing $512,500 that has a 10-year life and no salvage value and is capable of mining the ore deposit in eight years. The machinery is paid for on July 25, seven days before mining operations begin. The company removes and sells 490,000 tons of ore during its first five months of operations ending on December 31. Depreciation of the machinery is in proportion to the mine's depletion as the machinery will be abandoned after the ore is to calculate the first five months depreciation on machinery??
While the machinery has a ten year life, it will only be used for eight years and then become abandoned. So we first do $512,500 - $0 and then divide by 8 years to get $64,062.50. That's how much depriciation the machinery accumulates per year. Since we're looking for the first five months of accumulated depreciation, we take $64,062.50 and multiply it by (5/12) months. That comes out to $26,692.71.
In the videos it looks like the plants are taller that are picked by hand. I also know that some plants produce a lot of tomatoes all at once(determinate) and that some grow a long time and produce fruit for months(indeterminate). But I do not know why everybody would not just grow a determinate species and use a harvester.
any tomatos you see whole and not canned or frozen or bagged have to be hand-picked because they're so fragile. the ones you see being picked by machines are all going towards stewed, canned, pickled, lol, juice, etc etc.
i need this answer its urgent
You over-constrained the problem. Why take it from earth at all? A recent probe has found that there is plenty of water ice inches under the surface of the polar regions. Drill a well, set off an explosion at the bottom to fracture the rocks, lower an electric heater, and pump out the water. In addition to providing drinking water, it can be electrolysized to make hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel. This can all be done with robotics and stockpiled for future human visitors.
I mean, if you have only one bag, I'm wondering if you sayMy luggage is over there. or sth.thank you!!
I always associate words such as luggage, baggage, furniture and machinery as being MORE THAN ONE of its individual. For example, I would say there is only one machine, but if there is more than one machine, then I would refer to it as machinery. Similarly, if there is more than one bag, then I would refer to it as luggage and, similarly again, if there is a chair, table, couch and bed in one room then I would call it furniture. In more direct answer to your question, if there is only one bag I would just say My bag is over there. Hope this helped.
What's the name of that song with the music video of sexy girls in like...bikinis? Trampy clothing. They are like grinding up and down tractors and machinery. It's almost like mocking the shopping network or something. The girls are like, mechanics. They have goggles and everything. There were also bold colors. I don't remember much else about it. The song was techno, if I remember correctly.
satisfaction- Benny Benassi