Pirelli Rubber Flooring

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i moved in 5 weeks ago and have been hearing it since the place was empty so it's not something in a sock drawer. it's not coming from the smoke detector. it's not consistent it will beep every minute or so for a while then i won't hear it for 15 or more minutes. I think it is in my apartment because of the volume and consistency of the beep but it must be in the walls. what could it be. as some background on the place it an historical building it has a smoke detector in the suite but it's wired in to the house so i don't think it runs in batteries. there is also a fire alarm system with one of those red button that you pull in case of fire the beep is not coming from the red box. any ideas?
While theoretically a carbon monoxide detector is a good thing, and quite important if you have gas heat, a generator, or garage under sleeping rooms, you need to be careful with which model you buy. I'd recommend looking at Consumer Reports before choosing one, since several years ago many of the detectors on the market simply didn't pass their tests. Good luck to you!
For each potential hazard listed below, list one thing you could do to keep yourself safe during an investigation:Thermal HazardChemical HazardPoison HazardPlant AlertCorrosive Substance AlertOpen Flame Alert
It`s a silly saying. If you ``play dirty`` with a loved one you`ll only end up wishing you hadn`t.
I've had this blanket that I've had since I was born (1997) so obviously it's old. It's just plane blue with nothing on it (so its not really a baby blanket) but I've had it since I was born and I'm really attached to it, anyway my dad wanted to fold it up and put it in a box for when I'm older (he suggested that when I was 8 or 9 but I didn't want to at that time Now I'm 15 and I'm still attached to it) anytime I go ANYWHERE that I'll have to stay overnight (like this summer we went to Michigan to visit family) it comes with me I sleep with it every night. During the day it just stays on my bed. When I was younger I had to take it literally EVERYWHERE and I wouldn't leave it at the house cause I was scared the house would catch on fire and it would burn up. I'm not as attached to it as I use to be when I was younger but I'm still attached to it How do I get unattached? v.v
yes it happens often and the damage depends on the strike
I don't have any of the actual double sided tape made to stick clothes down, but I do need to make a loose shirt stay put in a few places. Is there anything I may have around the house that works just as well? Duct tape, etc.?
You has a lot of articles on birds and air toxins; birds and safe temperatures and has tips to keep your birds warm. Good Luck with your decision.
If u were outside and had a copper and iron rod which one would b more likely to get hit by lightning
I / has rubber sheets, cork sheets, and if you just can't do it, use RTV to make your own by applying it, or make a wax mold for the size you need then use RTV in the mold to make one. Get the numbers off the bulb if you can, and get on the internet and look, also try your local NAPA as they have a great cross reference guide to bulbs, the smaller bulbs may just be a design change, as you get get high watt bulbs, if you want to go big convert it to a 9006 auto bulb with a non DOT watt, summitracing has them, if you want to totally go off the board, convert them to Non DOT HID, thats getting into seeing peoples skeletons!Or just sell them for parts and keep going. I hope this helps, if you do make your own stuff, you will feel better about yourself!
Since I got a propane heater in my apartment three of my plants have dropped nearly all their leaves. There hasn't been a huge temperature difference, could the propane be killing them?
Yep Because it gets you off school and the majority of time it is a false alarm Last year the fire alarms in my school were broken and they went off about 30 times in 3 days. they eventually just told us to ignore it but on the third day there was a fire in the school kitchen.. AND WE ALL IGNORED IT UNTIL WE SAW THE SMOKE! and then we all ran It was really funny!
I'm actually a dog because I feel like a dog trapped in a human's body.We transspecies deserve equal rights!P.S.How do I transision from a human to a dog?
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Is the floor of the distribution room insulated?
Insulated carpet is usually required.