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What is the development process of SUPOR?
Zhejiang SUPOR Limited by Share Ltd is China's largest and second largest manufacturer of kitchenware in the world. It is a leading brand of small kitchen appliances in china.
What are the four major categories of SUPOR's four different types of cookware?
Recently, the industrial and commercial bureau of Daowai District also tested 56 new "SUPOR" samples in accordance with the mandatory standards of the state
What cookers do you have in 60s?
In 80s, the use of city gas stove users increased, pressure cooker, electric cooker began to enter the family;
What is cooking utensils?
The third category is the conditioning appliances, including conditioning table, sorting, cutting, mixing, modulation of tools and utensils
What brand of outdoor cookware is better?
Gas tank can only be produced in Korea, technical reasons, no French production.
What kind of materials do you have in your cooker? What are the points for attention when using them?
Cast iron, aluminium alloy, iron alloy, stainless steel, special coating treatment, etc.
Can you make copper cookware
a protective film formed on the surface of liquid at high temperature from the surrounding air, to prevent the metal surface oxidation of
Who can help me explain the "kitchen utensils, cooker, cooker, tableware" relationship?
according to the installation method is divided into: desktop stove, embedded stove