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LED display screen appears black? How to solve?
Of course, it may be the graphics driver is not installed or installed is not complete, you can download the driver to install the upgrade to the graphics driver can be. Microsoft may be the system of the problem, you can directly replace the system, and then start the computer to see if there is a black screen failure.
LED display a board dark light how is it?
Visual power cable, unit board between the 26P cable and power module indicator light is normal. The following are the same as the "
16: 9LED What is the approximate size of the display?
Ie the effective screen is the diagonal size representation. And the aspect ratio of 16: 9 is that we say widescreen, the unit is inches. From this we can calculate the scale factor. (The old TV used in the ratio of 4: 3 also we said the narrow screen)
Led display speed how to tune
When installing the LED bar screen software, enter the text that needs to be displayed in the blue edit box. After the text editing is finished, click "Frame Properties" to pop up the following dialog box to set the frame properties. Display speed 1 fastest, 16 slowest. After setting the current frame, you can point to "previous frame" or "next frame" to move to another frame. After all the parameters of the frame are set, click the "Exit" button to return to the main window.
LED display power can not be displayed properly
Check and confirm that the serial cable used to connect the controller is loose or off. (If the black during the loading process, it is likely that because of this cause, that is, during the communication process due to loose communication line and interrupted, so the screen black. Do not think that the display body is not moving, the line can not be loose, please It is important to check the problem quickly.
LED display applications are what
Mail, shopping malls and other services in the field of business publicity and information display, advertising media, new products, performances and meetings, exhibitions, LED display large screen as an exhibition organizer to provide one of the important services, indoor large-screen TV applications
How do I choose the dot pitch of the LED display?
LED display: LED light: according to the color of the lamp is divided into red, green and blue three primary colors; unit board, module; according to the pixel spacing is divided into ph10, ph16, ph20, ph40 and other series, the minimum point spacing 5mm, maximum 50mm;
What is the thickness of the led display?
Full-color screen 150-180mm, monochrome will be smaller, 60-90