Water Dispenser Singapore

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We have an automatic water supply device, that is, a plastic hose is inserted into the bucket. Now the hose has green stuff in it, and I wonder how to clean it
The effect is just as good. Method is to white vinegar or acetic acid into the water dispenser, turn on the heating for a while
What is the electronic refrigeration of water dispenser?
Electronic cooling is also called semiconductor refrigeration, most are cooling water machine this.Working principle: the semiconductor refrigeration piece work with DC current, it can refrigeration and heating to achieve refrigeration or heating in the same refrigeration piece by changing the polarity of the DC current, this effect is produced by the thermoelectric principle
How to clean the filter bucket on the water fountain?
Therefore, the water dispenser must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly. At present, the common method is to clean with disinfectant, then rinse the water dispenser with clean barreled water until the disinfectant residue is washed away.Steps to clean water dispenser:1. cut off the water dispenser power;2. push the 5 gallon bottle vertically downward into the upper seat of the machine, turn on the red hot tap and the blue water faucet until the water is released, turn off the tap, and then hold the bottle in your hands, and take out the water bottle;
Is the water dispenser clean at all?
Bottled water drinking fountains, bottled water widespread "two pollution" can not be avoided. No exception to the water supply is hired bicycles, tricycles sent, the whole process of sending water due to the impact of time, climate, environment and personnel quality, the "two pollution" is likely. After the bottled water has been polluted, the water dispenser can not be cleaned inside. Therefore, the water dispenser will keep pollutants for a long time, even even clear the pond. Therefore, the drinking water machine for drinking bottled water is not clean!
How to clean the water dispenser and the proper way to clean the water dispenser
When it comes to this topic how to clean drinking fountains, perhaps many families are ashamed, because many people use the water dispenser for a period of time,
What should I do if the water heater doesn't run out of hot water?
No hot water dispenser, two reasons, drinking machine lights lit, but still not heating, first check the water dispenser insurance tube is intact, rear insurance tube position in the drinking machine, it is an insulated plastic head, protruding parts can twist (opposite Ning Song), can buy some of the insurance tube was placed in the home, for, in addition, the long-term use of drinking water machine may appear inside the wire to break empty, can change a wire.
What is the mechanism of drinking water hot and cold?My drinking machine is new, it fell again, it was winter, drink hot water, found that bad after repairs go, said the master have to change things inside, spent 50 yuan of money, heating to repair, can not pay attention to but not cooling, has been placed that is how ah? Is not have to spend 50 yuan ah?
If the weather is hot and the water is packed very frequently, the cooling is not so fast, because the capacity of the tank is not very large, and the mistake is not cold
How does the water fountain open the drain valve?
What is the leakage of the drain valve behind the water fountain?The inner parts of the body are leaking, such as the rupture of the silicon rubber tube, the leakage of the hot pot and the cold water tank, the leakage of the electronic ice water, the leakage of the electromagnetic valve (Guan Xianji) and the overflow of water caused by the water bottle rupture. The solution is to replace damaged parts