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What is the degree of grinding when the wall is polished?
This is to be based on the decoration requirements to be set, fine decoration requires three bottom three sides, that is, putty putty will be polished again and again, need to scratch again putty, dry and then polished until the end of three polished by standard acceptance , Shapi how many purposes are required, you do not expect the latex paint to cover you ugly, can not do, you have a little problem, latex paint refraction will be reflected. If the request is not high, at least a bottom polished flat, if you are still using artificial grinding, I'm sorry, you are tired. Now there are electric playing Shapi machine, effort a lot, playing out also beautiful.
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
With a little bit of a little thick high-strength screws directly knock on the woodworking board is not on the line, I help others ceiling are placed in the light position put a woodworking board
Ready to decorate, will the sauna board ceiling and gypsum board ceiling, the price of the two?
Of course, is to use the sauna board to do the ceiling, the cost is higher ah
Paper gypsum board non-stick paper and resurgence is what reason
Face paper and gypsum core bonding bad, resulting in bare core or local non-stick paper problems. This type of problem with the face paper, raw material quality and drying and other production processes. First, the paper's polish degree of Gray is too high, too high or too low water absorption, are likely to cause rapid loss of water, and lead to bad knot; Second, the raw material gypsum grade is too low, impurities or K, Na and other harmful impurities are too high, affecting the bonding of paper and gypsum core. Third, the construction of gypsum coagulation time is too slow, before entering the drying area failed to completely solidification or false coagulation phenomenon, resulting in the construction of gypsum is not fully hydrated, so that the dry sheet after the paper. Fourth, the molding, drying speed can not be adjusted with the face of the paper or slurry fluctuations, resulting in the breathability of protective paper, water absorption and drying speed of the uncoordinated, gypsum slurry coagulation time and molding speed of incongruity , Resulting in paper and gypsum core of non-bonding or sheet burned. Fifth, the slurry is too thin, uneven foam, dry sheet after the large pores or too concentrated and other reasons will cause paper, the core of the poor bond.
9 meters, the closet to do 2.4 meters high and then gypsum board cap or directly to the top of the rough layer height of about 2.9x meters
Mainly to see you more attention to which aspects, so the top of the words, increase the space of the closet, but not beautiful; gypsum board capped, wardrobe space will be less, but the effect of the wardrobe will be better.
How to prevent gypsum board from cracking during construction?
In the construction of gypsum board ceiling, between the gypsum board, gypsum board and the wall between the joints, have to leave about 1 ~ 2cm of the expansion joints, first with the ash to fill the gap to fill, and then double paste , And then putty putty treatment. Ceiling used wood keel construction must be strong, can not appear a little loose phenomenon, so you can prevent gypsum board ceiling cracks. In addition, the adhesive gypsum with the top of the wall, the wall were set aside about 0.5cm gap, with gypsum powder plus latex to reconcile the gap to prevent the gypsum line cracking.
Causes of Cracking of Gypsum Board Ceiling Joint and Its Treatment
Gypsum slab processing steps and specific methods: 1, to ensure that the gypsum board gap at the keel, and self-tapping uniform fixed; 2, set aside enough slit - generally 3-5mm; 3, with gypsum powder or fast adhesive powder to seal the gap, to be dry; 4, with white latex paste caulked belt - note the zipper inside and outside sides of the brush, to be dry; 5, then scraping putty or imitation porcelain.
Gypsum board brush latex paint how to deal with yellow
Latex paint yellow the best way to deal with the original paint layer is to remove the exposed base surface, red putty, and then brush latex paint. Latex paint yellow may have the following reasons: Local leakage or grass-roots level of gypsum and putty, the water is not fully distributed on the late coat paint. Latex paint is uneven, latex paint in the process of brushing have the order, because the latex paint are water-based materials, easy and air oxidation reaction, a long time will change, so the first brush is easy to start to turn yellow, If your latex paint is not done in a certain period of time, this may happen. And latex paint done, there will always be some tinkering, so the general experience of the construction will be the second and third times the latex paint separately, to be repaired in the brush last time, so the probability of yellowing will be Greatly reduced Grass-roots anti-alkali caused by local yellowing, you can consider drying with sandpaper polished directly painted again anti-alkali primer, twice the finish, or remove the yellow part of the putty, in the grass-roots layering agent, Paint once again painted twice.