Sequentia Roofing

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Decorative gypsum board partition with what the best sound insulation cotton? Mineral rock wool and glass wool.
Sound insulation effect is good, the construction is simple glass wool, the price thing is the latter, but no test report, you use, no quality assurance.
Duplex structure of the house, the lower part of the compartment hanging gypsum board ceiling problem
I do not recommend directly fixed on the I-beam, the correct approach is welded in the I-beam hanging bars, and then hanging the main keel, the main keel layout, the vertical arrangement of the vice keel, so more reliable! The so-called dovetail is a screw from the drill bit, more suitable for 1.5MM within the steel plate fixed.
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
1, if you leave the position into the top of the ceiling, you can install a hanging plate in the roof of a hanging plate, in the corresponding ceiling position to dig a 5 cm or smaller point of the hole, hanging from the roof hanging a chain down, digging the hole The part can be installed with a hanging bell to cover. 2, if there is no way to ceiling, it is recommended to choose a little light, the ceiling to withstand the pressure of too much time is easy to go wrong. ???? Ceiling (prung roof), refers to the housing living environment of the top decoration. The ceiling is an important sub-division project of the building decoration project. The ceiling has the function of insulation, insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. It is also a hidden layer of electrical, ventilation and air conditioning, communication and fire prevention, alarm pipeline equipment and so on. The ceiling in the whole room decoration occupies a very important position on the top of the room for the appropriate decoration, not only to beautify the indoor environment, but also create a colorful interior space art image. In the choice of ceiling decoration materials and design programs, to follow the two materials, solid, safe, and beautiful, practical principles.
Ready to decorate, will the sauna board ceiling and gypsum board ceiling, the price of the two?
The price of the two gypsum board about 90-150 or so on the sauna board 80-130 or so because the shape of the gypsum board ceiling a lot of different prices according to the different price of the company is not the same decoration do not just look at the price do not see where Such as living room dining room and other recommendations with gypsum board balcony and other outdoor sauna board is better.
Gypsum board wall batch of gray do not brush latex paint can be directly posted wallpaper?
Under normal circumstances, gypsum board wall after the release of latex paint is excessive, but there are outside the situation. For example, to do a large exhibition wall, if you must use the gypsum board wall putty putty, the surface to brush latex paint, and wallpaper is only part of the area, and the use of decorative wall after the demolition, you can put in the putty, the whole wall Brush latex paint, then stickers wallpaper. The specific use of the actual needs of the operation, with less cost and risk access to quality and efficient engineering quality is a good construction program.
Gypsum board which, the kind of home improvement, the kind of suitable for tooling
Buy brand, dragon card. Taishan. Can be, but be careful not to buy fake, especially what the new dragon, Qinshan, and this is certainly false
Gypsum board and steel structure connection with what
You mean steel structure decoration, gypsum board fixed on the keel, keel fixed in the steel structure, I suggest you use light steel keel.
My family workers say gypsum board wall noise is very good, and now a lot of people use it between the walls, I am very contradictory, how can I do
Home wall generally do not use light steel keel gypsum board partition wall, but has done no need to open the double gypsum board (height to seal to the end of the beam or the top of the structure) filled with a little noise insulation sound no big problem