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The family has been renovated for 2 years, gypsum top gun nail rust how to deal with
This is a typical renovation of the common problem: fixed gypsum board dry wall nail is not good anti-rust treatment. Make up the way: the first rusty cover of the putty layer to dig, the edge to be larger, greater than the diameter of the nail cap, so that the nail hat exposed, and then the hat on the rust with iron sand clean, brushing anti-rust paint, and then It is a traditional practice, and now there is a direct use of ashes and antirust paint mixed with cement to fill the nail, followed by the normal latex paint repair process.
Do you make tiles with gypsum board?
Foundation to add woodworking board, or strength is not enough. No, it is directly with woodworking board. No gypsum board.
Light steel keel gypsum board wall how to fight line?
This is just to find the vertical line on the line, first from the side of the wall, in the amount of a size, point a point, and then let the line down this point down to the ground, the other person to see the following line , In the ground point of a point, and then on the other side of the amount of a size you want, according to the above method on the ground and then point a point, and then on the top of the two points on the top line, the following two points bomb The ground line, and then the above points and the bottom points on the wall. If it is to the top of the partition, do not consider the level, only consider the vertical on the line,
I installed the lights on the gypsum board on the screw, not the kind of embedded lights
Looking for gypsum board ceiling when the position of the dragon skeleton, in the position of the keel installed lights, and now the lamps are relatively light as long as you can screw the screw on the keel it certainly no problem.
Gypsum board ceiling what tools
Electric tools and general tools Accessories Power tools: air compressor, gas nail gun, hammer, electric drill (drill bit to be able to screw the kind of) If it is silicon calcium gypsum board also use cutting machine (cut the kind of tiles ), General tool accessories: ladder, tape measure, wrench, fountain, flat water line, hammer, pliers, pencil, wallpaper and so on.
Since the gypsum so afraid of water, then why should the production of waterproof gypsum board, water gypsum board, moisture gypsum board it?
Gypsum board is divided into: ordinary series, moisture-resistant series, water-resistant series, fire-resistant series and five series of water and fire. Gypsum board to do the most professional, the most complete variety should be the North Xinlong brand series. There is also a new series of gypsum board series, as well as a small amount of PVC decorative ceiling series.
How many gypsum boards can be done in one day
This depends on what your ceiling shape, and if it is flat top will be more, there are modeling by modeling easy to set. Generally flat top 20 ~ 30 square meters it
Waterproof gypsum board water absorption
Gypsum board behind the wall is also very cool, because the thermal conductivity of brick walls than gypsum board to high, naturally feel cool, like you touch a piece of iron, will feel cooler.