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Gypsum board which, the kind of home improvement, the kind of suitable for tooling
Where you are in place, around the material brand is not the same, the general thickness of the wall with 12mm ceiling with 9mm, kitchen and toilet with waterproof gypsum board. Other parts with ordinary gypsum board on it.
I installed the lights on the gypsum board on the screw, not the kind of embedded lights
Looking for gypsum board ceiling when the position of the dragon skeleton, in the position of the keel installed lights, and now the lamps are relatively light as long as you can screw the screw on the keel it certainly no problem.
Paper gypsum board non-stick paper and resurgence is what reason
Sheet surface rub paper phenomenon. The surface of the sheet to pick up the paper, that is, the appearance of the quality of the plate, but also to a certain extent, the strength of the plate and other inherent quality indicators have a negative impact, and this can not be ignored. The main factor affecting the surface of the sheet is the face paper. The interlayer adhesion of the paper is poor and the moisture content of the paper is too high. During the process of forming the water, the interlaminar bonding force of the paper will be further reduced, and the relative movement between the sheet and the equipment and the sheet will be Will be due to mutual friction and produce rubbing phenomenon, serious, the paper produced by the paper will cause scratches on the surface of the plate, and lead to easy fracture and other serious quality problems. Therefore, the paper gypsum board production process should try to use moisture, water absorption and other indicators of the stability of the face paper.
Gypsum board hanging before the top and the wallpaper before the paste, must be putty putty?
Basically the same, just paste the wallpaper, then the requirements for the flatness of the wall more stringent. Moreover, in the wallpaper on the wall, before the wallpaper, you must first brush the brush again, or wallpaper for the base film - the use of this now more common. And roller brush latex paint on the wall, is not roller brush varnish or wallpaper base film.
Causes of Cracking of Gypsum Board Ceiling Joint and Its Treatment
Gypsum slab processing steps and specific methods: 1, to ensure that the gypsum board gap at the keel, and self-tapping uniform fixed; 2, set aside enough slit - generally 3-5mm; 3, with gypsum powder or fast adhesive powder to seal the gap, to be dry; 4, with white latex paste caulked belt - note the zipper inside and outside sides of the brush, to be dry; 5, then scraping putty or imitation porcelain.
What are the harmful substances in the gypsum board?
Oh, gypsum board wall, also known as light steel keel partition, is light steel keel and gypsum board composition.
Gypsum board after the ceiling how to brush white ah?
Gypsum board ceiling: 1, the use of light steel keel according to the design requirements, or modeling or put down the light steel keel, 2, the gypsum board with self-tapping screws fixed on the dragon skeleton, 3, oil workers use anti-rust paint will be fixed by a point brush, 4, the use of elastic putty gypsum board and gypsum board patchwork (installation of gypsum board, the patchwork must stay 8-10 mm gap) leveling, naturally dry. 5, with a special gypsum board sealed with a latex paste paste in the gypsum board and gypsum board patchwork, naturally dry. 6, and then putty after 2-3 times leveling, grinding process until the smooth and smooth, 7, brush the first series of latex primer, naturally dry. 8, in the rolling brush 2-3 times the latex finish can be.
Gypsum board how moisture
You want to moisture, it is best to use Bondi high crystal nano-ceiling, it is not only moisture can also waterproof, but also has a thermal function