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Choose porcelain tableware suit pay attention to what
Should buy raw materials, process control under stricter glair, glair colour tableware;
The kitchen utensils and tableware for opening rice noodle shop
Should first find good taste to open again, otherwise it is not sensible! Need to, can go to eat rice noodle, are at home
The advantages and disadvantages of stainless steel tableware?
And will not break, long service life. Surface is bright and beautiful. Cleaning also worry, afraid of knock against. To say the disadvantage of stainless steel tableware, should not much. At best, is not as colorful high-grade porcelain
Is it safe to corn starch cutlery?
First to see whether formal raw materials and factory production whether health also is very important.
By ordinary stainless steel tableware noodles, will be harmful?
Stainless steel tableware pay attention to the following points when using, in general is safe: A, should not be stored for a long time oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and soup, broth, etc. Second, the unfavorable decoct Chinese traditional medicine. Three, unfavorable use stainless steel cookers, Fried melon seeds, peanuts, pine nuts and other food. The hope can help you!
South Korea tableware is what material
Basic it is stainless steel spoon with chopsticks. But now there are some good hot not sort of plastic products. Of course, if is Fried things, chopsticks is that kind of special long, wooden. Other tableware, bowl, plate, such as most of them are porcelain. There is also a plastic with stainless steel. General families are in China, South Korea, although expensive, but good for your health. For south koreans very pay attention to preserve one's health. In the restaurant is mostly stainless steel with plastic cups. Home use, or porcelain. This is I see in South Korea life, hope for your help.
After new tableware tag tear, viscose are stuck on the tableware, really annoying, how also get not thoroughly, how to thoroughly clean it?
In addition to the methods: 1, hot water to divide In a small bowl, filled with hot water, is going to remove the label of the bottle in hot water basin, the water did not label, rest for 20 minutes, and then you will find that the label after hot water bubble, a wipe gently, can remove the clean.
How to clean stainless steel cutlery
Do not soak in water. Washed with water or other ways to clean, wash immediately after dry, can't let its natural dry