Galvanized Steel Raised Bed

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We use the kind of ordinary soldering iron, there is no grounding line, the staff in the solder fool Shibao whispering child care when the child wearing a static electric ring parts will be tingling when not welding, ask how is the matter, how to solve? Thank you! More
It is not clear, we fool the bar ?o ?o child care utility unit useless electrostatic ring, electric iron temperature control on the line, grounding does not matter, if you are welding the sensitive components so the best or ground. The general parts of the use of electrostatic pad shop and the ground on it.
Network room anti-static floor, how to do grounding
Ground bomb box grid line, bomb line to be repeated correction. In the room around the wall to install angle steel bracket, metal shielded net (with 10mm wide copper and paved all the room under the floor of the foot, the formation of the following figure, and then press the multi-point and fixed in the room around the copper strip separated by 5-5.5 and copper With a connection) and the machine room connected to the copper, connected to form a complete room shielding system, with grounding, anti-static, anti-interference effect.
General room commonly used anti-static floor what price?
The use of anti-static floor of the engine room are generally used anti-static anti-static on the cross-foot on the Kyu Gui helium Mao electric floor, there are two kinds of national standard and non-standard, there are different thickness, see your choice, the price of about 200
Will the silk be static?
Will, you get the silk and magic bar after the friction, the silk as a result of more part of the electronic negatively charged, the glass part of the electronic positive with electricity.
Can flooring replace the antistatic floor?
Yes, need to be soft ground or with electrostatic sensitive parts, other conductors and other potentials. Further need to study the upper and lower limits to the practical requirements.
The ground to do anti-static dust, painted with epoxy paint, or with anti-static floor paste? That is affordable
Plant or epoxy floor is good
Do you need to set up a static floor for a weak building in a commercial building?
Weak wells inside do not need, only the room needs fire control room, telecommunications room and so on
The difference between plastic floors
The difference between plastic floors...