Coleman Portable Generator

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The steps of making solar technology stubs
Material Science:Black plastic bag, rope.Making method:The black plastic bag filled with water after the bag tied in sunlight (see photo). After a while, the bag of water on the heat, can be used to wash your face, wash your feet.3 material: walnut, stick, rubber mud, small cloth.
What about solar products?Solar panels solar panels
Solar photovoltaic products: photovoltaic modules and photovoltaic components, modules and components of rural production equipment, photovoltaic power generation system, photovoltaic equipment installation and accessories, grid connected photovoltaic system and photovoltaic transmission and distribution equipment; photovoltaic power / battery, charger, controller, inverter, water pump, solar power system equipment, solar energy conversion equipment, fuel cell, silicon solar cell, thin film solar cells, silicon single crystal silicon cell / raw materials, photovoltaic panels, glass cutting machine, testing equipment, various kinds of stove; wind solar diesel battery hybrid power systems, solar desalination system, solar photovoltaic electric vehicles, hydrogen production system, photovoltaic power generation system of computer application software; testing equipment of photovoltaic power generation system.
1 natural circulation:This type of storage tank is placed above the collector. Water heating collector in solar radiation temperature rise, causing the collector and tank water temperature and have a different density difference, thus causing buoyancy, this is like a hot siphon, the water flow in the water storage tank and collector. Because of the density difference, the water flow rate is proportional to the solar energy absorbed by the collector. This kind of type is widely used because it does not need the circulating water and the maintenance is very simple.2 forced circulation:The water in the hot water system makes the water circulate between the collector and the water storage tank. When the water temperature at the top of the collector is higher than the water temperature of the bottom of the water storage tank, the control device can start the water to make the water flow. A check valve is arranged at the entrance of the water to prevent the nighttime water from being driven by the collector to cause heat loss. The flow rate of this type of hot water system can be known (as a result of the flow from the water), easy to predict performance, can also be calculated in a number of hours of heating water. As in the same design condition, the natural circulation has can gain higher water temperature strengths, but because it must use water, the water power and maintenance (such as Water Leakage etc.) and the control device of dynamic stop, damage easily water problems. Therefore, in addition to large hot water system or the need for a higher water temperature, the forced circulation, the general use of natural circulation water heater. Solar power system consists of solar cells, solar controller, battery (group). Such as output power for AC 220V or
30MW solar thermal power plant total investment
At present, there are three kinds of solar cells, such as monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon. Monocrystalline silicon solar cell conversion efficiency of up to 20%, but the price
Solar products must be in the sun
Other light sources can be used to meet the needs of the product (e.g., solar watches can be recharged by other light sources)
Solar electric vehicle charging device
Electric vehicle solar energy products are small in size, light in weight, easy to install and carry. Is a domestic initiative, has applied for national patent. Market potential is very large, very broad prospects.
PV solar products market sales
According to the State Administration of taxation policy released last year, from October 1, 2013 to December 2015 3l, according to the 3% levy rate calculation. In Takamatsu as an example, if a month sales of 30 thousand, that he should pay the tax is 30 thousand x 3% x 50%=450 yuan.Residents issued 1 kwh of electricity, the state subsidy of 0.42 yuan; the national standard for the purchase of electricity from the desulfurization of residents with endless self generating electricity, the price is $0.42 per degree. To install and use a set of distributed photovoltaic power generation system with an average of 1 kilowatts of installed cost about 10 thousand yuan, if the 8 kilowatt system daily generating capacity of 30 degrees, 5 degrees every household consumption (no more than a price of 0.52 yuan), about 8 years to recover the investment
How to open solar stores
There is a solar dealer, in the local solar market, can be described as a coup. Use the bus as a propaganda tool, bus station, the first sentence is: "a certain store solar power station to remind you:" in the caption on the bus, he hit the store's telephone and communication; on the phone 114, the opening of the new building signs, banners, and even background cloth Online shopping, playing a certain solar energy store. In view of the store is more than the target customers, the dealer also sent a trick to go back and forth to its store expenses reimbursement, in this way, the customer into the store. With the help of external forces, a good manufacturer of this card. Dealers in the choice to join an industry, have to go through thousands of pick million, so that the industry has the impact of brand agents.