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What color curtains go with blue couch with a green pattern. The walls are honey panel rug is neutral berber.?
I might suggest matching the curtains to the carpet. (Pun not inherently intended.) Or even if perhaps you could find a curtain with the carpet color, but also a bit of one or both of the colors of the couch. I wouldn't necessarily suggest going with a completely different color, however a chocolate brown might go nice.
Stone curtain wall less than 30 meters need to do lightning protection
Which S B said to do, wrong children. Do not understand nor check the norms. Upstairs clearly tell you more than 30 to do. If it is a mountain, then you consider the safety to do. 30 meters to do the following is basically scolded material.
where is the first curtain wall in the world?
china...hadrians wall
what is the standard thickness for curtain wall?
add it up: 3-1/2 for the 2x4 1/2 drywall on each side equals 4-1/2 wow that was hard
The difference between component glass curtain wall and all glass curtain wall
The whole glass curtain wall is a transparent, full-view glass curtain wall, the use of glass transparency, the pursuit of building space inside and outside the flow and integration, so that people can clearly see the glass through the glass structure of the entire system, From a simple support to the performance of its visibility, which shows the architectural decoration of the artistic sense, layered and three-dimensional sense. With light weight, simple selection, processing factory, construction fast, easy maintenance and repair, easy to clean and so on.
I have a throw rug with burgundy, gold and burnt orange in it. The dining room walls are burgundy.
For the curtains I would use a neutral like maybe a slightly darker taupe than the walls, and with a little texture if possible, because it sounds like you already have a lot of color going on in the space and leather doesn't have much texture. I think you should go to a fabric store and look for a patterned fabric that might be good for the pillows- something that would maybe incorporate the burnt orange a little bit more but not clash with the burgundy. A subtle pattern might also do- I wouldn't pick just a solid color pillow because it'll be too much of one thing.
What kind of curtains should I get? My walls are light tan. Furniture is dark brown. Couch is black.?
I would go the other way, I would pick a deep rich color like a crimson red or burnt orange, to add a pop of color. I would probably go with something plain that doesn't have a fussy pattern on it.
The room has no windows
Think of a theme. Something that you and your friends are really into. What is it: Music? Movies? Fashion? Science? Games? A Sport? Work around that theme. Pick a color palette based on that theme. Like the colors of your favorite team, or a poster or picture you like, the cover of your favorite music album, etc. I would not pick any dark colors as base colors, unless your basement has egress windows. Basements usually receive very little daylight and for that reason, any color you apply on them looks at least 2 tones darker. I suggest you go for light, neutral tones for walls and floor and then splashes of color with furniture, drapes, upholstery, wall art and props. But before you start decorating, please make sure your basement is dry enough to be used as a living space. Get an inexpensive hygrometer to monitor the Relative Humidity in the basement. If it is anything at or above 60% RH, consider buying a good basement dehumidifier before you start to bring in the stuff. That is because at that level of moisture, when you start adding wooden furniture, fabric and paper to the basement, mold will start to grow. Your basement will start to smell musty and become unhealthy and uncomfortable. Mold needs moisture above 60% and organic surfaces to grow. You can't have all inorganic stuff in the basement, so you need to control the humidity. In addition, computers, TVs and electronics do not respond well to humidity, so if you plan to have a home theater or a game room there, you need to get rid of the moisture.