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What is the real estate bubble economy?
in fact, The use of assets and its profitability is not interested in. With the rise in prices, often the expected reversal and the price of the crash, which usually leads to financial crisis
What is the real estate industry?
The real estate industry mainly includes the following contents:
How to classify real estate?
The main categories are as follows: 1 by use (function) division. According to this classification criteria, can be divided into residential real estate market and non - residential real estate market two categories.
According to the use of housing classification?
5, hotels 6, sports and entertainment facilities 7, government and public facilities 8, multi-purpose buildings (integrated buildings).
How is China's housing market in other aspects of the trend ?
??With the continuous squeeze of the bubble, the strengthening of the industry competition
What is the real estate industry?
real estate intermediary services, including real estate consulting, valuation and brokerage agents, property management.
When China introduct the real estate?
Then the market to further recovery and development, 97,98 years when they met the Asian financial crisis
When is the introduction of real estate?
but also with our housing system reform, urban development model began to appear.