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Recently, I'm going to make yogurt with yogurt machine. I heard that the cost of homemade yogurt is higher than that of direct purchase. I'd like to know the cost of homemade yogurt, thank you
Try it yourself, I can do it, at least very environmentally friendly.Morning milk 945 ml, 12. 6 yuan;Guangming Chang excellent 125 milliliters, 6 cups, 14.2 yuan, 2 cups 4.7 yuan; the last buy is a special offer 12.5 yuan;
How can yogurt be less acidic than yogurt?
Answer: you can use yogurt fermentation, to the ratio of 1:10, and if low temperature survival of bacteria in yogurt. You use yogurt is also kept in low temperature. And your fresh milk is low temperature, and the yogurt machine you are not sealed? Time is almost 4-6 hours.
How do you make yogurt with yogurt machine? What kind of ingredients do you want? After the milk is poured into the bladder, do you keep it warm or boiled? They say, cook for 7-8 hours
When do you can add some fruit in, I love the most is pitaya. Make yogurt container first scalded with boiling water under. Then take four bags of pure milk and heat the water up to about 40 degrees. Mix the mixture with the yeast.
When using yoghurt machine to make yoghurt, the method of proportioning of milk and yoghurt and detailed milliliter amount?
5, unplug the power, the liner is removed and the natural cooling into the refrigerator (can also be stored in natural shade but cannot be stored for too long, to prevent rancidity);6, when eating, can be added honey according to taste.
Yogurt machine prices ranging from 50-200, where is the difference?
I bought the teddy bear SNJ-10B plastic container is also good.The capacity of the various models ranges from 1 litres to -3 litres, and the price variesMicrocomputer: you can adjust the time, timing and remind function, especially suitable for people like their DIY yogurt
I bought a yogurt machine and I don't know what to buy to make it
2, but we should pay attention to the source of yogurt yogurt, yogurt and fresh milk source ratio should be 1:10, as long as you finish this in the dry container retained some fresh yogurt (proportionally), with plastic film sealing in fridge preservation can be, but in order to ensure that the parent bacteria activity, also not too long time, will be spent within 3 days. In addition, the mother of bacteria can not be used for many times without restriction, the activity of probiotics is limited, and the ability of repeated cycle breeding and regeneration will continue to decline, it is recommended to use at most 2-3 times. It's better to buy probiotics at the drugstore, which ensures quality and taste. Probiotics should be kept in the freezer freezer, or the inactive fungus will fail to ferment and make yogurt.
The bear yogurt machine uses yogurt as a source of bacteria
Another suggestion: hee hee are making yogurt before sugar can shorten the fermentation time, and then you can add some fruits such as banana particles, grain, grapes, raisins, peach, mango and other grains, and then fermentation, this taste is superb, can also be transferred to do good in chocolate yogurt. This is the taste of chocolate yogurt, and can also be Mango (or strawberry, pineapple and other fruits), ice into the cooking machine be broken, so that you can make delicious smoothie milkshake, rich flavor, mellow, fresh and healthy than those of famous brand of yogurt to ifheavier!!! In addition, I think that although the price seems to be not particularly cheap, I think the supermarket is also far from the big yogurt! Yogurt only in the end production of the first 3 days, the activity of lactic acid bacteria, which is the best, after 3 days of probiotics have slowly reduced activity (even if you have been in the refrigerator in 4 degrees, fresh) 7 -10 days after the probiotic yogurt would die without end, and in the US the supermarket to buy yogurt is basically a week after the date of manufacture, due to the impact of the big manufacturers yogurt production and sales mode, we are unlikely to get the production of yogurt.
Yogurt machine too high temperature how to do?
You say eat up slag residue, it is estimated that your bacteria wood mixing evenly, there are rooms stuffy words, 8 hours on the line, do not need 9 hours. The longer the fermentation time, the more sour the yogurt.The temperature is a little hot, you use this method to try, not yet, then it should be broken machine.