Stainless Steel Coffe Maker

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Could you tell me what brand of Italian coffee machine is? How to buy a good coffee machine?
Professional coffee machine usually sold at more than 10000 yuan, is indeed perfect, taste and taste, and even have a special coffee cup insulation layer, accurate to the temperature to ensure that the taste of coffee. But for ordinary families, ten thousand yuan can buy a set of all power, and ordinary home users need for coffee taste so harsh? Choose the American coffee machine according to your taste
Does the coffee machine add cold water or hot water?
Yes, but the average person doesn't heat the water and then put it in the water bladder!Because the machine has heating function!
Coffee machine out of what effect is relatively weak, which kind of machine more fragrant mellow
Steam is lighter, Italy type semi automatic test technology is strong but more, this is the most fun game player immersed. The grinder will see you with the kind of coffee machine, steam low requirement to powder coarse can use cheap single product grinding machine, semi automatic request the grinder needs higher price comparison professional is also relatively expensive.
Why should the coffee machine vent the pressure?
Weestcarry you're kidding, aren't you?LZ's problem is not clear at first. What machines, home or commercial? Commercial machines are generally used for 10 years, run out, return to the factory for renovation, and buy a new one. Never turn off the machine for 10 years. There's no such thing as deflation. Weestcarry I really want to smoke you.The household machine, every time I used up, I would release the gas, open the Americano pipe, water until cool down. If not put, the pressure is great, the rubber ring, sealed these things will accelerate aging, high temperature will also, after all, are sealed rubber things.The gas conference explodes, is that what people want to come out? 8000- ten thousand dollars a commercial machine to explode, you win the lawsuit, you'll make a fortune
We want to install automatic coffee machine in the chain store inside, use can be controlled by our own membership card making coffee machine, through the induction or credit card, as well as the Hanting Hotels, who knows how to solve? Thank you
Now our company developed its own credit card coffee machine, that is, credit card, you can control a card, a day credit card several times, as well as different drinks, choose hot drink, you can hope to help you
What's the difference between a capsule coffee machine and a semi-automatic coffee machine? Solve
Stability is stable, but the taste is not guaranteed, as I used Nestle and dr.drinks coffee, which is very convenient, but I still love to go to the cafe to drink, manual extraction, hand fight foam, tea I will use the dr.drinks ball yourself DIY, of course, if only for the sake of convenience, the capsule coffee machine it is a good choice
How do you use a coffee grinder? How to choose between rough and thin?
Is a coffee mill, grinding beans by hand, rotating the handle on the line...... Ha ha ha ha!The thickness of the choice depends on what equipment you brew,The normal pressure kettle, siphon pot, drip filter pot, basically like this? Hand pinch with small particles, but also a little face...... The basic handle is screwed to the fine grinding is almost the same, this is a filter or screen Wednesday, you according to the alignment hole screen,The parts of Mocha pot should be thin and some face, but hand mill can not grind very fine.Almost enough
I want to buy a soybean milk machine, but soybean milk machine seems very easy to bad, so I want to ask, grinding coffee with hand grinding soybean, soybean milk do? Because the soybean is very hard, can you wear it? Solution!!!
You are a genius. Grind beans with a coffee machine. Are you a coffee bean machine?Special appliances, the best special, do not mix, and coffee beans and soybeans are not the same hardness, do not mess up