Blender Stainless Steel

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Without a blender, how does the blender break the food?
With Daosuan vessel [i] - called garlic mashed
On the whole, which is better, the blender in the blender?
Joyoung I use is that this function is more, safe and cheap, when I bought only 2 thousand and 300 dollars
What are the functions of a juicer?
Shopping malls in a variety of brands, such as Fang Cheng, Ken Li, etc.; prices vary, from 190~290 have, I bought a new PHILPS, 230 yuan, moderate price, with juice, grinding soybean milk and powder end function. Three years free warranty. With a cup of Soybean Milk, send a soft ice box (very nice but I am not very common). Don't mention PHILPS's expensive! Good quality is the key! If cheaper to buy a miscellaneous brands, with a year spent, can not repair it was depressing it!! I use very good, things to do very delicate, a single function Juicer (also known as juice machine) function analysis: do pure fruit juice. After starting the machine, the motor drives the knife net to rotate at high speed. The fruit and vegetables to the knife net from the feeding port, the knife will cut broken net spiked vegetable, the centrifugal force generated in the high-speed operation of the knife net under the action of Zhafei fruit knife into slag and juice boxes, piercing knife net inflow juice cup. Advantages: in the electric food processing machinery, only this kind of machine can produce pure juice. To drink pure fruit juice friends must look for the purchase. Disadvantages: single function, except for pure fruit juice, other basic can not do. Depth analysis: according to the method of slag storage, juicer has built-in fruit residue box and separate type of fruit residue box two.
How do you use the bl25c33 mixer?
How to use a mixer - filter screen:1. Combine the container of a blender with a cross shaped blade.2. Install the filter in the raised part of the cup.3. Cover the filter and secure the strainer.4. Cut the ingredients into cubes of moderate size and put them into the filter.5. Cover the top of the blender and start mixing.
First with blisters a few hours --- looking for a clean cloth with a blunt object hitting.
Cloves, anise, fennel, etc. must be processed with other ingredients. Otherwise, the plastic material of the product may be worn away. When processing the ingredients, the dry grinding cup may change color. Dry grinding cups are not suitable for processed foods, such as cardamom.
Can you beat cream with a hand whisk? Can I use the food mixer instead of the egg beater? What should I pay attention to?
But you can, but you may have to pay twice as much effort, the speed and frequency of agitation is not enough, and the quality of the whipped cream is not good enough to be played by the machine. The thing mixer can replace the egg whisk, the effect is better!
How to use a multifunctional food mixer
1., select blade: when processing food, please choose the food matching tool, so as to achieve the best use effect. Comminuted rice, soybeans, dates and other dry fruit foods should be selected "-" type blade. Minced vegetables, fruit, ice and processing Soybean Milk, please use the "+" shaped blade.2. choose cups: when processing, choose the amount of food processing in line with the cup. Generally choose small cup for grinding. Processing soybean milk, please choose soybean milk cup.3. add the processed food in the selected cup, then combine with the tool carrier plate, fully tighten.
Can the mixer mill the powder?
An ordinary mixer can only be stirred and can not be crushed!If you want to mix and mix flour, buy a multi-functional mixer. Now, a multi-functional mixer has the functions of meat, flour, juice, milk shake and soybean milk.