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Can I make sauerkraut with a yogurt machine?
Not recommended to use yogurt machine to do sauerkraut, positioning is not the same.Sauerkraut practice:Fresh lettuce home without washing, airing a direct break. That's what my mother said. I don't understand. Why don't you wash it? I think I can save it;Sun half an hour, finished washing dishes. Because it can be eaten directly after being cured, it is recommended that you be patient and careful to wash your hands and dishes. Make sure the oil is not clear and drain the water after washing.
How about yogurt with yogurt machine?
I did not buy it, just don't know what to say is true or false, so ask ah, you said this with no answer: I say almost ~ ~ ~ the first answer is clear on that, is your own understanding is poor, I have what way? I still know how long I've been here. Am I a fairy? And tell you that advertising must be a bit uncertain, you don't understand? I can't understand such a simple truth! Add: even the pictures are attached to you, you are asking, what bad things happen to good! You don't see I question, do not ask what brand, you say a lot of what these ads are said to buy their own to try to know, I want to go directly to buy a try also asked what to ask. What's more lucky? I bought it as good as advertised. I haven't bought it yet. Do you understand what I mean?! Answer: I just like to say, "what's the matter?"! I have to ask you, do you understand what I mean? Have you read a book in the end? Poor comprehension. I said there was a lot of advertising, didn't I? I don't just say yogurt machine, all the goods are the same, with advertising that there is a difference, you don't even understand this, all call you to buy, try, do not try, how to know? And, oh, I told you to buy it and try it on, right? OK, so you don't buy it, just ask it all the time! I really did! I can't communicate with you ~!
I checked on the Internet the people said to water antivirus, and I had to do for the first time out, the second time I do, anti-virus, also heating milk, let cool after fake lactic acid bacteria, the results more than the first thin, floating above the yellow water. Use a spoon with a little bitter death, a little yogurt have no taste.
Milk does not need to use room temperature heat, New Fa is using boiled water to the inner liner and leaching again, and then let the water soak a few minutes, the water is not too hot, and then drained, home to boil pure water for a shower, soak a few minutes, then pour out the water. This time can begin to do, pour the milk at room temperature, can not heat the ice, and then pour a small bag of fungus, keep the bacteria powder down flying everywhere, and then use hot water soaked chopsticks mixing (both positive and negative mixing two times good), then put the liner into the pot
How much water does the yogurt add? Warm water?
Steps to make yogurt using a yogurt machine:1 take the frozen yogurt leavening agent out of the fridge;2 use the boiling water to sterilize the container of the yoghurt machine;3 pour a small amount of pure milk in the container, then pour the yogurt, a small packet into the container, and mix it thoroughly with a spoon or chopsticks;
Like to eat yogurt, want to learn to do (do not yogurt machine), ask you master specific methods of production, thank you!
The nutritional value of yogurt is far more than that of fresh cow (goat) milk. It contains a variety of lactic acid, lactose, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and so on. Have a stomach who drank it, can promote the secretion of gastric acid, not only do not eat after flatulence, diarrhea, but ventilation digestion. Our women often drink sour milk, and their skin is tender and white. When I arrived in Beijing, I used to make yogurt, just the way it was
Why natto machine can do yoghurt, yoghurt machine can not do natto?
Usually, the fermentation temperature of yogurt machine is 43----45 degrees C, and natto machine is about 40 C. Natto function yogurt, indicating natto machine temperature is not more than 43 degrees C, yogurt fermentation agent can ferment yogurt, compared to yogurt machine yogurt time is a little longer. Yogurt machine can not do natto, because yogurt machine temperature is higher than 40 degrees C, not suitable for natto fermentation.
Can milk machine snj530 be used for bird's nest?
Just stewed bird's nest, you need to master the heat, this can not seem to adjust it. It's better to buy a stew (10 dollars cheaper on the Internet)
A few days ago bought a bear yogurt machine 1000ml. With a bag of baking powder with about 900ml Mengniu high calcium pure milk Tetra Pak equipment. After about 12 hours, did you go to watch or milk?. Then, with a packet of baking powder, it took 11 hours to see if it was milky. Another night, in the morning to see the middle of the solidification, the edge of the water is like that, stirring, it is very dilute that kind. I dare not eat. Who knows what? I want to make that thick yogurt.
With pure milk do, first put a bag of milk and yeast powder, mixing evenly, and then put the rest of the milk, must be stir well.