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I want to purchase a LCD TV/LCD Monitor for my PC. Which should I purchase - LCD TV or LCD monitor. Is LCD TV harmful for eyes as compared to LCD Monitor? Which is the best one LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
Monitors don't have TV tuners. Also, monitors usually have higher resolution, at 24 inches it's likely to be 1080p, whereas there are few 1080p TVs that small (they don't need to be that high resolution). If you have a cable box or other external TV tuner, then save your money and get the monitor, and play DVDs on the computer. If you don't have a cable box or some other kind of TV tuner, get the television.
I need to buy an LCD monitor and need some advice about which ones to consider. I need it mostly for work: internet, word documents, Excel and will be using it at least eight hours a day.I wear bifocals. This means I need to be able to look down, into the monitor to accommodate the low reading area of my glasses or I get stiff necks.The resolution for print should be really, really clear. I am willing to spend more than the average amount to get something right.
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I just brought a new LCD monitor. On the box it says that the resolution it's built for is 1680 x 1050. However, my graphic card/driver is a bit dated and only offers the following resolutions:800x600,1024 x 768,1152 x 864,1280 x 720,1280 x 768,1280 x 960,1280 x 1024,1400 x 1050,1600 x 900It's a 22 monitor. I know I probably shouldn't pick the lowest resolution (800x600) but I don't know which of the rest I should pick seeing as how my graphics card doesn't seem to support the exact resolution that the monitor calls for.Furthermore, barring the driver being updated to include that, should I buy a new video card? How much better does it make the image? I use the computer for CGI a lot, but gaming, not so much.
can okorder
I'm between aoc and samsung right now. If possible, can you tell me what to look for in the specs so that i can compare? Thanks :)
AOC is a cheap never heard of before brand. I would go with the Samsung, a company who has a good reputation and will stand behind their product.
I already have some experience wih troubleshooting LCD monitors for dead pixels, lines and stuff, and am looking for an a reference book that will take my knowledge further. I have a workshop for my experiments and require a book that addresses the practical side of LCD repairing for both beginners and pros. What do you think would be a great book?
LCD Monitor Repair by Jestine Yong It's the industry standard in my experience as an electronics technician. Yong's a talented, award-winning author and a genius at solving problems with LCD monitors. His book is an 'insider's manual' of tips, tricks, schematics and diagrams that can boost up your skills by many notches. It's a career-building book that works very well for beginners and pros alike.
Are laptops using LCDs?
No, the notebook LCD display is divided into two categories LCD and LEDLCD is often said, is Liquid Crystal Display, the LCD structure is placed in the liquid of two pieces of parallel glass crystal, fine wire and many vertical and horizontal between two pieces of glass, through the power to control the crystal rod the molecular changes of direction, will produce the picture reflected light. Liquid crystal display in accordance with different control methods can be divided into passive matrix LCD and active matrix LCD two. LED display (LED Panel) LED (Light Emitting Diode) led is a solid state semiconductor device, which can directly convert electricity into light. The LED pixel module is assembled and arranged in accordance with the actual needs, arranged into a matrix, and provided with a special display drive circuit, a DC stabilized voltage power supply, a software, a frame and an outer decoration, etc. to form a LED display screen. At present, some of the high-end Apple series is LED screen, more light, more power saving, more realistic. The single element of the LED display is 1000 times faster than the LCD LCD screen, and can be taken care of under high light conditions, and adapts to a low temperature of 40 degrees below zero. Another big advantage of LED is that it can last up to 100 thousand hours, even if it lasts 10 hours a day for 27 years. Laptop LCD screen is the use of CCFL fluorescent tube backlight, due to CCFL life, environmental protection and other adverse reasons, is currently toward the development of LED backlight. According to the size of the LCD screen, generally need dozens to hundreds of white LED backlight, and its LED drive IC market potential will be great.
I am building a bar and have a couple spare LCD monitors that I have acquired. I would like to construct the bar with the screens under the bar oriented face up covered by a hard clear plastic or glass and linked to a dual video multimedia PC housed under the bar. Will LCDs function in that orientation for a good amount of time or will they not work after long? I would of course have plenty of ventilation and airflow through the area. I have only seen documentation on Ceiling mounting for LCDs, but never for floor mounting style. Any ideas?
There should be no issues as long as you have them sealed away from spilled drinks and a little ventilation. You will need more ventilation on the back of the monitor than on the front.
The computer card got up. I went in and got a small rectangle on the right. It was black (about 1/6 of the computer), and the desktop image was pushed to the left. Turn the computer's resolution down before you can display the image in full screen. Why is that?
Display screen around the border, can not show full screen, there are two common reasons:First, the video card driver is not installed properly;Two, check the display resolution and refresh rate settings inappropriate.This happens when you switch from an older CRT monitor to a new LCD monitor, because the resolution of the monitor is not consistent with the output resolution of the card. Reset the resolution.The solution is as follows:1. Turn on the computer, select "my computer", right-click, click "properties" - enter the system properties - click on the hardware. Operate according to the computer system.2, click on the "hardware", you will see "device manager", click enter.3, access to device manager will see a lot of computer related hardware and software information, the mouse down to the bottom, find the "display card"".4, look at the display name card entry under the presence of greeting or exclamation point.5, if the exclamation mark is selected, right click to see the property, whether the normal operation of equipment, if not normal operation, then try to update the driver.6, update the driver, if not successful, you need to download a network with their computer model matching card driver, download the installation drive, so that the computer will return to normal.