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the noise when it rains is very loud. can I place an insulation material under the polycarbonate roof to reduce noise? Thanks
Sure, depending on the roof space anyway.
I'm thinking of converting my brick walled corrugated iron shed into a changing room for winter hot tub use. I was advised by a friend that the first thing i should do is insulate the roof using glass fibre insulation (the yellow fluffy stuff in the loft) and a simple Plywood ceiling but im not sure how i would stick it to the existing roof (dimensions 170cm x 147cm). So..... how should i insulate the roof of my future changing room????
What is he using glue on? Buy rolled fiberglass insulation, install it between the rafters and wall studs...paper side in. You can cover the walls and ceiling with drywall, OSB, plywood if you wish. You do realize that insulating your shed isn't going to make it much/any cooler don't you? You will need an air conditioner for that, but the insulation will help keep the AC in.
what effect does changing the pitch of a roof have on the insulation properties and durability of a roof?
The pitch of a roof has zero effect on the r-rating of insulation. Proper ventilation of the attic space, whether steep or low pitched, simply provides the optimum environment for the r-factor of the insulation to do its job more efficiently. Any attic, regardless of pitch, if it is not properly ventilated, would stress the effectiveness of any insulation product unnecessarily. The durability of the roof is not adversely affected either.
were can i buy material to insulate pans and instructions to install it? I have seen many roofs with this done ,but , the lowe,s and home depots don't have .
I think your problem is in the way you are asking the question. I for one do not know what you mean by a metal pan roof. I know all about steel roofs or corrugated roofs and a lot of other roofs but what is a metal pan?
My home is shaped like a square box. The four corners of the upper level have the roof pitch from the gables protruding into the rooms. The attic has no insulation and I need to insulate it. There is access from the attic to look down into the wall/ceiling that protrudes into the room. I can insulate the attic myself but the surface area of these protrusions is rather large. What would be the best way to get insulation down in there? Shoot the insulation in and poke it with a stick to make sure there is good coverage down in the wall space? The opening is about 6 inches high.Thanks.
You need to have an air space between the roof and your insulation to prevent moisture build up on the inside and ice damming on the exterior. So you want to insulate the ceiling of the room, not the roof. For the angled protruding parts they make inserts that go between the joists to give 1-2" of air space under the roof and you can put insulation under that against the wall of the room. Remember that it's trapped air that insulates so don't overstuff when you push it in there. It sounds like you don't have access behind the vertical walls. You may need to break through the plaster between the studs to get in there and put insulation on the wall of the room and on top of the ceiling below. Then get some sheetrock and spackle to repair the hole you had to make, or you can make an insulated removable panel and use that area for storage. But don't store anything in there that can't take heat/cold.
we replacing our torched down rubber roof and my contractor said we need to install a 1 inch rigid the insulation needed?
There are a couple of types of torchdown, refer to the manufacturers instructions for the product being used. Most rubber or vinyl (pvc) do not fuse to the roof surface and depend on soft non-abrasive surface for maximum life.
the roof of my mouth hurts bad.i worked all day with sawdust and insulation this the problem.?
No it may not be like any type of respiratory disease ,normally this type of soe type of allergy ,if you have any doubt you can consult a doctor but are you suffering from asthma before or any person of your family belongs to this category.
weather stripping/ foam strip?
Those foam strips they sell you to go under the ridge caps will eventually dry out, blow out, and be hanging all over the place. Caulking won't fill a 5/8's gap to keep the wind/rain out, and tar has no place whatsoever on a metal roof, you'll get it all over everything, and either one will look like ****. The best ridge cap has to be custom made and cut to fit. I use a 12" wide X 10' strip, bent in half to pitch, and then turn down 90 degrees on the edges, whatever the rib height is, usually 5/8". Hold the ridge cap in place on the ridge and mark where the ribs are, then notch out for the ribs so that the cap sits flush over the ribs and down on the flats, punch holes and screw down thru the tops of the ribs. It's a little time consuming but it makes for a good looking finished product that won't wear out.