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Cream wall match with what colour curtain?
okorder to see if they have what you like ... other department stores have window treatments, too.
So our living room has a light brown couch, some oak, and lime green walls...we want new curtains cus our old ones were ugly ;P they were wooden blinds ... please let me know soon were about to go buy them in an hour !!!
I know, I'm a little late on this, but for the curtains I would go with a peach color or a tan. It matters what you kind of a look you are going for. But a peach would be my pick. Good Luck!
The part above my window where my curtains should hang is solid textured brick...My drill cant break through it. I thought about getting a more powerful drill but i dont want to damage the appearence. Is there a different way for me to mount them?
depending on the weight of the rod and fabric? and the amount of brackets? you may be able to get a few blocks of 1 inch thick wood and secure them to the brick using Liquid nails...let dry then secure the brackets to the wood small pine blocks may split when screwing the screw in... the bigger the block the less chance of splitting..if its a long curtain rod add a bracket in the middle
I dont want that nailing work. but I really need my curtain.And HOW CAN I DO IT ? ANY TIPS ?
It might hold the rod itself...for a little while. But, if you plan on putting curtains on the rod, it will fall. The nails are there for a HOLD the rod AND the curtains. Otherwise, you're stuck with taping some paper to the windows.
How to take fire protection measures for high temperature welding of curtain wall
Then the use of fire, fire cloth laying under the splash of Mars. Do a piece of firebrock to block both sides and meet the welding construction distance, the workers with a protective protective equipment when the eyes, welder gloves, insulated shoes, the ground doing fire extinguishers, buckets, see fire people. No problem.
I am in the process of opening a dance studio and I am trying to make a very simple, affordable buildout. There is one main space that is the large main studio and there is a small side studio that currently has a wall up that I want to extend by literally 5 feet.... The ceiling are incredibly high (approx 25 feet from what I can tell) and I was interested in perhaps putting a heavy, large, soundproof like curtain to separate the two rooms rather than building another very tall wall. Something similar to what you would see in a gym, that would divide it in half, that are fairly soundproof. The small room would not be in a ton of use but I want the option to shut it off from the rest. I need to know what terminology Id be looking for to search online for a product type or if anything exists?
Room divider. Acoustical Partition. Temporary, adjustable sound proof barriers.
What's taller a castle keep or the curtain wall?
Its curtains for you so, it dont matter
Marble curtain wall stone capping what glue?
Do not flicker, ye can use glass glue it, reported on the trial can not. Stone seepage with weathering sealant, otherwise the four test you ye ye? Also note that the plastic market is more chaotic, such as to ensure quality, or to the brand office to ask, through the formal channels to buy.