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I have this printer, bought for $100 at Best Buy a few years ago... I moved almost 2 years ago, and seemingly have lost one or more of the cords associated with this printer. Im trying to find out which one is missing. I have the one which connects the printer to the computer [USB]. But I dont have the one that gives it power... It looks like the end would fit into a 3 hole [prong?] opening, the holes are all in line... Anyone got an ideas? Know what Im talking about? If so, any idea what its called, or where I can find one? Im sure online, but I havent any idea what Im looking for at this point.
why don't you e-mail HP see if they will send you a power cord or advise you where to get one in your area
While DISCONNECTED from the amp, I accidentally touched the power cable with the ground cable. Sparks went flying and I smelt a funny odor. Since then, when I go to turn on my radio, my amp only lights up for a second and then looses power. Unfortunately, I feel I've fried my ground wire (upon close inspection, the power/battery cables fuse is still good along with amp signal wire and RCA's) My question is simply this: When replacing my ground wire, can I use left over power/battery cable? I have about 3 feet left over from the install. Thank you for your help!!
Yes just make sure to have a way to tell them apart like wrapping the insulation of the ground with black tape.
I need the cables/cords for the Xbox 360...all the cables/cords
It is easier to get wifi and hook it to your x box if u need the cord for x box live
Hi, I bought a geforce gtx 660 ti and with it came 2 X 6 pin PCI express power cables. Problem is I only have 2 connectors in my computer, so one cable is useless. Will 2 Athena Power Model CABLE-YPHD 8Molex Y Splitted Power Cables allow me to use both the PCI cables? Thanks.
I okorder and have good reviews. Make sure the cables in the picture match the ones you need to connect. My friend bought splitters and they work fine. They will work for you as long as you are not using the power supply that came with your computer. That may be the reason it only has two, because it isn't giving out the watts required to power a gtx 660. It needs a max of ~350watts. Combine that with the rest of your PC and you'll need a 600W power supply.
which cables cant be near each other??(will cause noise radiation if put together)i gotta run some wires through my car and i dont know wich ones to keep away from others. im runnin...4 gauge (eventually will be 2 gauge) power wire for amp2 speaker wires for rear deck speakersrca cables for ampremote turn on wire for amp
It does not seem likely that you will have a substantial problem with noise from speaker cables going through power cables and then the amp. Besides sheilding, use of capacitors on the power cable at the amp end (follow correct polarity on electrolytic types) will kill noise. A properly-rated, and connected, Zener diode is another step. Such things as antenna-leads are so sensitive that they are always well-shielded. ______________________________________... As for zener diode use, I have never heard of them being used in this application. But then, many new ideas have never been applied before. Sparky has pestered me with not one, but *two* hostile emails and is in some state of jealous frustration. He can't seem to figure how one could supress overvoltage transients using a zener (duh). If he had asked respectfully, I would have told him what I was thinking, but since he is determined to be a jerk about it, then whatever...
its like a big power box the has two metal prongs, and is about 2quot;X3big and fits into the same size slot, if you push it in it gets power for a second then doesnt if you jiggle it around it gets power for a second and doenst.anyone know please?
I take it you are inserting it the right way up, and can only think the plug needs to be bolted in. Look for 2 small bolts, and holes they will fit through. Something that big may need that, as it could shake out otherwise. There may be something that prevents you plugging in when the power is on. If all else fails read the instructions or contact Dell. I could come and help in return for a few favours.
My cable broke, and I need a new one.This type of 4-pin connection to the PSU: I need multiple SATA connectors, if possible a really long cable. :3 I've been looking everywhere but can't seem to find it, I'm probably just not searching for the right terms.Thanks!
You would need two, since you have two optical drives and a HDD. You can get them off Newegg or OKorder. I suggest flOKorder as they will be cheaper and do the same thing. EDIT: Okay you have a modular power supply and lost the cable. Yeah your best option is to contact the manufacturer and see if they can sell you a cable.
I'm new to PCs and I recently bought a Dell Optiplex 745 desktop PC but it came without cables. I thought I had the correct power cord but it turns out I gave it away to friends. I have the power cable that you plug into the wall which has the standard PC kettle plug (the correct one for PCs not an actual kettle plug) that you'd usually plug into an adapter then into your PC but I'm not sure if you can just plug it in without the correct adapter. I have Googled but cant make head nor tail of it all. And by adapter I mean the cable with the little box that you usually plug into a device such as a PC, laptop or Xbox 360 before you connect the cable to the mains.Thanks.
It all comes down to the amount of output that the pc is set to take. I would think that you would be fine without the adapter, assuming it already works. If you do decide to do this make sure you set up a surge protector, dont just plug it into the wall. A power surge could fry the internals and brick the pc.