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How to hang curtains on the curtains to look good
According to 1, 2, 3, 4 wear, four teeth hook of the four pins were aligned on the cloth with the standard serial number 1234 hole inserted, the middle of the interval, to wear the first three fork; two hook interval 3-4 A hole. In the pleated: According to 1, 2, 4, 5 wear; four teeth hooks were inserted into the tape on the tape marked the number 1245 hole, separated by a hole, to wear the first three fork; two hook interval 4- 6 holes, generally 7 - 8 per meter hook. Pleated: It is recommended in accordance with the 1,3,8,9 wear, four teeth hooks were inserted into the tape on the tape No. 1389 hole, the interval of 4 holes, to wear the first three fork; two hooks between the interval of 6- 8 holes. This dressing will make the curtains look a bit like a butterfly shape. Precautions: A. The distance between the hooks is as uniform as possible. B. Found a rusty hook immediately replaced, otherwise it will contaminate the curtain fabric. C. In actual use, you can adjust the number of pins inserted into the slot, or 3, or 4; you can adjust the number of straps between the two hooks, so you can adjust the effective width of the curtain.
The height and width of the doors and windows in the architectural design are based on what
Width of the door. The entrance door generally 1000, the room door 900, the bathroom door 800, the windows generally meet the window area ratio. Such as the living room for 1/7 and so on. These specifications have specific provisions.
Home decoration, the door and the window together, would like to split, how to do look good? I want the arch door frame, do not door can be.
This can be completely removed after the gypsum board with a pair of curvature out, brush putty just fine.
A method of making a curtain
Ruler scissors cloth nice
Bedroom window in the south wall, east and north is the wall, the door in the West wall south, west wall next door is the living room, you can bedside against the west wall?
Can rely on the west wall! This is the feng shui in the stresses, the main family thriving. But the best place to stay away from the window aisle. If you rely on the East is the door to see the bed is not auspicious.
What is the difference between window and door?
The door gives us a sense of security, the window gives us freshness, the normal majority of the time just from the door access. Long-term window is only thieves, stealing money or betrayal
How to compensate when the window is demolished
The original residential building may require compensation for commercial premises.
White door white windows Jane European style, black neo-classical sofa, what color wallpaper? Wallpaper is not posted background, is a large area of the whole shop paving.
This depends on the functional area, bedroom and living room is different, but also consider the color of other furniture, as well as the floor and ceiling. White and white black and white sofa, this black and white with a classic, wallpaper can be any color, so the specific or to consider more details, in general, Jane European style of the family, most of the living room choice of white or pure white Color, clean and simple.