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How many calculations for a square meter of material?
Upstairs is also quite detailed, when we offer the general is for different types of curtain wall (different panels, keel in different forms to be separated), take a standard position of the surface, calculate the amount of various materials inside * Loss coefficient, and then divided by the area of this face, came out no square meters of the material.
What is the classification of building materials?
Construction technology information according to its nature is divided into seven categories: The first category: construction project legal construction procedures necessary documents; Category II: Integrated management information; The third category: engineering quality control information; Including: acceptance of information Construction management information Product quality certification documents Inspection Report Construction record and inspection report The fourth category: engineering safety and functional inspection data and the main function of the record; The fifth category: inspection batch quality acceptance records; Category 6: Construction log; The seventh category: the completion of the map;
Whether the civil tender contains the curtain wall and does not contain the curtain wall, behind the owner and the general contract of the contract agreement What is the difference
If the total tender documents contain curtain wall, indicating that the total subcontract management, behind the curtain wall unit calibration, signed the total package, the owner and the curtain wall units of the tripartite agreement, take the total package of the notice and the three parties can be directly filed for the record.
What are the curtain wall materials to do? The beginning of the time
At the same time, the curtain wall project acceptance, but also to the owners to provide "curtain wall use maintenance instructions", in the curtain wall before delivery, but also for the owners of training curtain wall maintenance and maintenance personnel. Curtain wall works other technical and economic documents, in accordance with the "Construction Project Document Archiving Code" (GB / T50328-2001) provisions of the directory filing.
Curtain wall energy-saving project acceptance of the general project which
Construction and installation requirements, including insulation material fixed, partition thermal bridge, steam layer, ventilation equipment, glass installation, shade installation, condensate set system installation.
Bidding documents are glass curtain wall, the party has to check the aluminum alloy window, how to do?
Generally fixed on the window lintel, is the top of the entire window.You need the proportion should be on the proportion of solid slip, the slide is the sash of the slide plus fixed, is a dual-use profiles, doors and windows designed to save Material, and it can be made to the sill a chute, you can also fix the above glass. Generally no fixed ratio
What is the construction process of the point glass curtain wall?
The glass curtain wall is made of skeleton, glass and accessories. ??????? 1, the skeleton is composed of longitudinal columns and crossers, the main role of supporting glass and fixed glass; ??????? 2, the glass is the curtain wall fabric, is the building envelope components, but also architectural decoration, but also the role of glass windows. ??????? 3, the annex is the bolt, aluminum pull nails, nails, sealing materials and connectors. ?????? Glass curtain wall of the process, is the first line, measured the location; and then install the skeleton; the final installation of glass
Department of Construction and Construction (2017) 38 on the construction of glass curtain wall what are the requirements
Glass curtain wall should adopt laminated glass, homogeneous tempered glass or ultra-white glass. The use of tempered glass should meet the existing national standard "building doors and windows curtain wall with tempered glass" JG / T455 requirements.