Soundproofing Floors

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Is it good for wood flooring or bamboo flooring?
Of course, is the wood. The current production level of bamboo flooring is not yet ripe. All aspects of the indicators are not better than the wooden floor. Solid wood flooring compared to the grade. But maintenance care is more trouble. Save the words directly on the composite floor. Just a calamity. With a few years later replaced. And the cost is lower than the solid wood.
Is there any way to prevent the board from being tampered with high heels...
Shop a layer of thick floor leather is the best and most economical choice, the wedding finished all removed....
Home to decorate, I prepared with my husband to install cork flooring. Because this do not understand, do not know which brand of cork floor is better? Asked the use of cork flooring pro to answer, in addition, our budget is not very high. More
Oscar, this is the national standard cork flooring brand
Is the bathroom suitable for cork flooring?
If the bathroom is dry and wet separately, or can, but it is not very good, because the performance of the lung porphyrin porcelain plating monk Han Ji actually bathing process is bound to have water contact, cork is relatively more vulnerable to moisture, so still to be used with caution The If not dry and wet separated, it is best to use tiles better.
Home with the elderly and children, would like to choose cork flooring, but these two kinds of good, please provide some suggestions? More
Quiet forest floor of my house is also just renovated for some time, my baby's room is chenzhen silent, the child honestly playing on the floor, there is no such a big sound, formaldehyde content is very low, the harm is relatively small.
This softwood flooring feels better than solid wood flooring, green cork flooring should be the industry leader, right?
This is not clear, we are doing electric film, the benefits of geothermal production of electric film for all the floor, and energy saving, switch independent.
Home decoration, may I ask the bedroom bedroom to shop what floor is good? I heard that solid wood flooring and cork flooring is very good, but not used, know to give a suggestion!
It is recommended that you use cork flooring, which is known as the protection of gods of children and the elderly. Environmental protection, soft, non-slip, constant temperature. Children play in the above do not fall, do not be afraid of cold little ass My home is Caroline, the Swiss original import. pretty good.
How to remove the paint on the wall
If it is latex paint, then directly with a damp cloth can be wiped off, if it is oily paint, you can use essential oil.