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i am going to get a bench press soon. but until then is doing press ups give the same kind of effect???
Push ups do strengthen your chest. I did them for about 3 months because I wasn't weight lifting and my Bp improved. I'll tell you that Bp might be more effective;however, better something then nothing. And, I really don't think we lift all our body mass when we do push ups.
I am doing a project about change makers and inventors of the world and I am doing about Johannes Gutenberg and how his printing press had changes the world
The printing press was the first form of fast, mass communication. Previously, the only way to copy a book, document, etc. was by someone, usually a Monk, rewriting the book one word at a time. It would take many years if you wanted to make hundreds of copies of a book and many, many years after a book was written for it to be read around the globe. When the printing press was invented it had a similar effect that the invention of the internet did, it made sharing information world-wide much easier and faster.
why does it seem that the bench press is targeting my arms. I could feel my arms weared out after a set and not my chest. Could it be I'm doing it wrong?? I dont know its pretty hard to do the bench press wrong if I'm not mistakened.
Well the bench press works mainly with the chest but definetly does work the arms also. The reason that you probrably dont feel it as much in your chest area is because you arent bringing the bar low enough. Once your elboe goes lower than your chest, your arms will need more help from the chest. Another possibility may be that your chest is stronger than your arms and it just feels more sore in your arms since they are working harder.
The military says they fight for freedom of the press but at the same time the military says it wants the free press out of Iraq. The military says the press hurts the war effort.
If you had ever been to Iraq, you'd know that.. 1. What the press reports is NOT what actually happens there. Most stories you will watch on CNN about the events of the day in Iraq are quite different- some because of biased journalism, some because of what is allowed to be reported. 2. Free Press in a war zone directly leads to the deaths of many friendlies. Here I am, in _____, with this secret unit on a covert mission, creeping up on the enemy. DUH.. WHY would you even THINK of allowing that? About as stupid of a question as all the rest of your pointed rants you post.
Is it good if I can do a clean leg press of 230kg? (45 degree angle thing)I weight 63,5kgI also got up to 250kg from about maybe 55 degrees or so.Also: Is it true that if you have a bad blood circulation, your muscles get exhausted more easily because the oxygen can't reach your muscles that good (or something like that) ?
leg press can be too easy with the 45 degree thing, much better progress and larger muscles can come doing squats and its better for flexibility as well yes bad circulation will exhaust your muscles and the bigger the muscles the bigger the effect. maybe you need some hypoxic training?
is cold pressed oil oil better for you and why? is it healthier?
First cold press is generally a purely commercial wording with no factual meaning. It suggests that the oil in bottles with this label is the first oil that came from the first press of the olives and that no heat is used. This is not correct. First of all, cold does not define any precise temperature. A certain exception is made for the European regulation which requires that the processing temperature be below 27 °C in order to be named cold pressed.[citation needed] In cooler regions like Tuscany or Liguria the olives collected in November and ground often at night are too cold to be processed efficiently without heating. The paste is regularly heated above the environmental temperatures, which may be as low as 10-15 °C, in order to extract the oil efficiently with only physical means. Olives pressed in warm regions like Southern Italy or Northern Africa may be pressed at significantly higher temperatures although not heated. While it is important that the pressing temperatures be as low as possible (generally below 35 °C) there is no international reliable definition of cold pressed. Furthermore there is no second press of virgin oil, so the term first press is meaningless.
does the bench press counter the progress of push-ups
just be careful not to overtrain otherwise you wont grow at all, Check out www.okorder for the best chest workouts
Im 15 , about 5'8 how much should i be pressing?
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