White Translucent Plastic Sheet

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In recent years, what new materials have come into use in the automotive interior, or in the future?
At present, LFT has become a new lightweight material for automobile which can challenge aluminum alloy and fiber reinforced thermosetting composites, and has a strong market competitiveness. According to reports, in recent years, the use of LFT made automotive products market share increased by about 15%, and maintain a strong upward trend, this phenomenon has aroused great concern among professionals in the industry.
Where is the difference between glass fiber reinforced plastic cable tray and SMC cable trough?
Ordinary bridge, pultrusion process, resin, calcium powder, glass fiber and so on, the price is cheaper. Use on common cable
What is a sheet of material? Is it plastic? What is it used for?
Yes, plastic, sheet material, a variety of raw materials can be done, sheet is extrusion, the use of a wide range of specific to see in what areas?
Is the gas released from the heating of the SMC sheet poisonous?
SMC sheet is made of unsaturated polyester resin, glass fiber and aluminium hydroxide powder by certain process
What material is SMC? Can it replace ceramics? Can it be made into toilets, basins, urinals and so on?
SMC composite and its SMC molded products have excellent electrical insulation properties, mechanical properties, thermal stability and chemical resistance. Therefore, SMC products have a wide range of applications, mainly in the following areas of application: SMC1. Application of electrical industry. 2. Application in automobile industry. 3. Applications in railway vehicles. 4 、 application in communication engineering. 5, explosion-proof electrical equipment, such as shell applications.
The difference between glass fiber reinforced plastic antenna and cannon antenna
Cannon antenna is commonly used as glass fiber reinforced plastic antenna.
Which is good for SMC composites and honeycomb composites?
The method of forming a honeycomb structure of a composite material suppresses the sheet material into a corrugated form and then welds or sticks together to form a honeycomb structure;
Does floor heating emit toxic gas?
One check: check the product radioactive test report, see if the radioactive material is over standardTwo test: Please professionals with instruments for radioactive detection, to see whether and product radioactive test report in line with