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How long did it take you to complete? What job do you have now? I am interested in going to school for that and wondering what type of jobs I might have.
It took me 4 years to complete I am in a leadership development programing at a large aerospace company A lot of my classmates got jobs in the defense industry. Most are working in computer enigneering, rf design, or software
Have a neighbor that is selling his van to an 80 yr old man. The van has serious electrical issues that go off and on. Just so happens it was working right when the buyer drove it. But almost everything in the dash goes on and off. Mostly it stays off. Is it legal for the seller to not be honest?
I know some states have a ''as is'' law. but the seller has to state what all is wrong with the car also,
hi, i am an electrican with 12 yrs experince within domestic/commercial/industrial industries.I am at the stage where i am thinking of my future career and would like to add more strings to my bow.But i dont really know what courses are out there, and which ones would make me more attractive to employers?I was thinking about going for the explosive atmosphere ticket and maybe the 2391, any help would be much appreciatted.
it fairly is stable in case you savour doing the artwork of electric engineers no occupation is stable in case you hate artwork daily electric engineering, like assorted the engineering fields has some good factors like stable pay, many diverse varieties of jobs, possibilities to visit administration or different alterations, etc yet interior the top, the problem is, are you able to savour it (no longer all the products of prevalent, all jobs have stuff to hate, thats why they pay you, yet assorted the time are you able to savour maximum of it)
i need it pretty soon for my hw and if you dont mind can you explain what the process is thanks and keep it simple
Input is the source or something acted upon. Like the thermostat in the ac or heater system would be the input - telling the rest of the circuit that the temp is too low, therefor turn on the heat (or turn off the ac).
I understand that the frequencies emited from cell phones can interfere with the electrical equipment in ICU's; however, why can't patients have regular phones in ICU's; regular chord phones shouldn't emit frequencies or do they?
I think it has more to do with courtesy for the other patients in the unit. Remember, if they are in the ICU, they aren't going to up to talking on the phone anyway. Those patients need their rest, the last thing they need to is to be disrupted by phones ringing all the time.
I am an electrical engineering student ,but I dont know what to do when I graduate. I like music and I want to do something with music. I have heard of audio/sound or acoustic engineering, but I don't know exactly what an audio/sound or acoustic engineer does.
Audio is a field that many EE's get into. Focus on digital signal processing and/or amplifier design (analog circuits), and see if you can find a class from the physics department on acoustics. Auto-tune was developed by an electrical engineer working for an oil company -- the guy was working on frequency quantization to make it easier to interpret the results of ground-pounding measurements, when he realized the technique could also automatically fix pitch problems in voices. Typical salary for EEs start around $60k/yr.
For eg in electricity board energy bills?
Sorry Sparky its not that type of maximum demand. Max demand on a UK electricity bill is determined as follows UK industrial tariffs are generally measured on a 1/2 hour basis that is the 24 hour day is split into 48 1/2 hour segments during the annual period of increased demand September to March the electricity company records your usage for each 1/2 hour segment in KWH the highest KWH in any 1/2 period between september and March is your maximum demand charge This will be a time when most or all of your electrical equipment is on together drawing the maximum power consumption. If you have an old analogue type meter it has a max demand needle that displays the up to date maximum demand figure if in the next 1/2 hour period you exceed this value the needle will be pushed up to this higher value and will not reset. The next high demand period if greater than previous will again push the needle up to a new maximum value. At the end of march or end of max demand period the highest 1/2 hour figure will be used in your bill.
examples of electrical equipment in which insulators and conductors are used.and give reasons for their usethxthe one that answers will get 10 points
insulators are used on wires and places you don't want electricity to flow conductors are used in circuit boards and almost every electrical component. conductors are used to carry the flow of electricity.