Wheat Filled Hot Water Bottle

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Filled with ten minutes of electricity, but also very hot, the drum is great, that is, the lights are not destroyed. The same is true for a charging line. Can not be used? Press the charging interface with the hot water bag tightly and you will hear a lot of noise.
I suggest you buy a new one, the explosion is very scary. If you want to continue to use it only on the heat to pull out the power supply, or it will always be heated up until the last explosion.
Is full of good?Or part of the air?If you want to stay in the air, how much water suitable?Do you have to keep the air out when the lid is covered?
Hot water bags can not be filled, irrigation 2/3 can be.Hot water bag use matters needing attention:1, should not be poured boiling water, hot water around 90 degrees Celsius, so as to prevent premature aging of rubber.2, do not fill too full, poured into the hot water bag 2/3 on the line, and then remove the bag of air, plug tightening.3, after running out of water to be drained, and then blow some gas, in order to prevent internal adhesion, upside down.
There is a small hot water bottle, a small pinch of iron will be fever, why?
To understand the principles of warm handbags, we first need to know what is supersaturated solution. At a certain temperature, the solubility of the solute in the solvent is unchanged. For example, the solubility of Nacl in water at room temperature is 36g/100mL water. When the concentration of the solution is equal to that of the solution, the solution is called a saturated solution. When the concentration of the solution is higher than that of the solution, the solution is called a supersaturated solution. The liquid in a warm bag is a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate (CH3COONa).Because the concentration of supersaturated solution is too high, it is not stable. When we twist the sheet of metal inside, a slight shock is enough to crystallize the solute into a stable solid. However, the process is exothermic, so warm handbags start to warm up.There is an advantage of warm handbags that can be recycled. As long as the warm hand is placed in boiling water for about 10 minutes, the condensate will be dissolved again. In the process of dissolving, the solute absorbs heat and becomes supersaturated solution again.
Can the water in hot water bag wash your face?
In winter, many families use hot water bags to warm, second days in the morning and wash the face with hot water bags, although the temperature is appropriate, but very harmful to the skin.
How to do not open the hot water bag
Hot water bag with hot water can be estimated for the other 1 you unscrew the bottle cap along the periphery to the hard ground or chopping, knock knock, knock a ring to estimate the leakage of gas can turned 2 with boiling water poured on the bottle around, while hot open lid is good.
Why is there a very unpleasant smell on the hot water bag?
This is inferior goods, manufacturers in order to reduce costs, quality no bottom line, certainly toxic
As long as qualified products will not have this situation. Regular hot water bags are temperature control will automatically power off.
It is necessary to note that in the hot water bag after the power has been the need to cut off the power supply. If you do not have to let the power supply has been inserted on the board is prone to repeated ohmic heating. When the temperature of the hot water bag cools down, the hot water bag will be heated by itself, so the service life of the product will be reduced.
IPhone is too bad to put hot water bags on the temperature
Maximum temperature of 100 degrees, and will not cause physical damage to Apple's phone hardware;