Cashmere Hot Water Bottle

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Use electric hot water bag to cover the belly of the stomach after the rise of such a big, long and very itchy pimple is why? Urgent ah!
This is what medicine has no specific statement, but this situation is very common, that is, hot pot hot time for a long time, usually the first two days just fine
No electrothermal water to unplug the plug? Then water?
You can, but don't add too much, there are heated powder, lest more and pour out the influence of heating effect. By the way, add water to remember to exclude air, or heating is easy to expand
How to save the hot water bag inside need to water
Hot water bag without water.
Hot water bag canHow long insulation
Charging can be heat preservation 1-1.5 hours
How long is the charge of hot water bag?
Not suitable for boiling water, 90 degrees Celsius or so hot water just to prevent premature aging of rubber.Do not fill too much, 2/3 into the hot water bag on the line, and then remove the bag of air, plug tightening.After running out of the water to be drained, and then blow some gas, in order to prevent internal adhesion, upside down.
Do you often use hot water bags?
The only thing to note is the safety problem, the charging time is not too long, the other is not bad.
When do you use an ice bag and a hot water bag to remove it?
Alcohol rub bath before the first ice pack in the head to help cool down, can prevent the body of the skin due to the bath and blood vessels contraction caused by a sudden increase in cerebral blood flow, causing headaches. The hot water bag on foot, can promote the local vessel expansion, favorable heat
How can I turn the head of the hot water bag
If you do not want to damage it, can pour some hot water to the hot water bag surface.