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I am in the decoration of the house, but the workers have not used the steel doors and windows to the demolition, to sell. Do not know how much to sell the price? thank you!
2 hand plastic doors and windows and then sell it is almost worth the money even if you do tomorrow, then split the waste and it is no different from the aluminum alloy aluminum alloy can barely sell a few money steel doors and windows, then you see what kind of (The door or flat open) the quality of good or bad (what brand) suggest that you go to the surrounding steel doors and windows shop to ask under the general is no one will be if you send the door, then the price is equivalent to send it may be up to a few Ten bar
What is the difference between steel doors and windows and broken doors and windows
Of course, there is a big difference, the first is not the same profile, broken bridge window noise, heat, better than plastic windows, and glass is not the same, of course, higher than the price of plastic windows, broken bridge, , The proposed landlord local building materials shop consultation
I would like to do the width of 80 cm wide plastic steel doors, but the decoration master said can not do so wide, up to 70 cm, or easy to bad, is this
This look at what you do window type, in general 80CM should be no problem, push and pull on the very good. Shide kind of pop door quality is also very good, but that kind of door for the door width is relatively large. Up to 70 cm, the big is easy to bad, the product quality is absolutely a problem, our company with Shide open the door, a single open there are more than one meter, with more than 10 years also nothing ah Double open the door, generally in the 50-70CM.
Home steel doors and windows original developers to install a single layer of glass, now want to transform into double glass. Find a production unit asked the next, said only the original single glass to cancel (waste), and then replaced by their custom double-layer insulating glass. Price of 260 square meters. Is this expensive expensive? Chongqing area. Is there a cost-effective production unit recommended?
Hello there! If you do not change the size of the original window, then your glass can be used, as long as the change in pressure lines (to be invalid) just your old glass with a long time, will be some bad cleaning, made out of double glass transparency It is not very good. In the glass of your glass to be removed to get the processing place to do a few days to do a pair of glass (this time is not good to say) that your home window will have a few days without glass, and the expression is not very good, nor Know not help to help you. The price of some of the high number of mantissa almost, I was in OKorder do not know your side of the market is feeling too expensive.
Bathroom plastic steel door frame with what glue
Glue is only temporary, it is heated to weld up
Plastic doors and windows of the glass if broken, how to change it?
Fixed glass, then directly to the pressure out of the glass for it.
What is the difference between steel-plastic doors and steel doors?
The two components are different, steel-plastic doors better than steel doors. Both have their own characteristics. Steel is the main component of PVC-U extrusion molding of doors and windows materials, which is a building materials plastics. The full name of steel and plastic is a total of plastic and plastic, is the use of PVC crust micro-foam, and special-shaped steel lining co-extrusion method, and then by high-strength steel angle components into a door and window products. This high-tech patent products available, successfully overcome the ordinary steel doors and windows exist wind pressure performance, can not be high-rise building problems. At the same time also played the advantages of two kinds of steel materials - plastic micro-foam technology, excellent insulation, insulation, and high-strength type of special-shaped steel. Steel plastic materials also have no deformation, long life, environmental protection and other advantages.
What are the specific models, and how to define
Plastic doors and windows by way and performance division, mainly in the following series: 1, according to the opening way is divided into: fixed windows, hanging windows, hanging windows, hanging windows, vertical window, flat windows and doors, pulley flat window, pulley window, flat open under the doors and windows, sliding doors and windows, Window, folding door, to the spring door, to enhance the sliding door, push the folding door, inside the sliding door. 2, according to performance is divided into: ordinary doors and windows, sound insulation doors and windows, insulation doors and windows. Plastic doors and windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) resin as the main raw material, plus a certain proportion of stabilizers, colorants, etc., by extrusion molding, and then by cutting, welding or screwing made of doors and windows frame fan, Equipped with sealing tape, tops, hardware, etc., at the same time to enhance the rigidity of the profile, more than a certain length of the cavity needs to fill the steel lining (ribs), made of portal windows, called steel doors and windows.