Aluminum Foil 24

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I gutted the room and now would like to rebuild. One side of the room slants (it's the roof) and the other side of the room is a dormer (all low ceilings).I want to insulate the ceiling but have no ridge vents so no moving air as someone mentioned I should have. I want to install foam channels to keep the insulation away from the roof but not sure if this is a good idea without the ridge vents. I will have a vent to the outside installed on the very top of the roof however and the small attic space is open all the way through the other two upstairs rooms and I will add another roof vent on that end of the house. I will only be able to install 3 inch insulation but that's better than none at all. I live in the northeast and was told if the job isn't done right I can get ice jams in winter. Also I don't see any way to drill ridge vents. would it be ok to just install the styrofoam channels and insulate then sheet rock or am I asking for trouble? Thanks in advance for any help.
Suggestion: install the insulation with the foam channels but leave the center section (roof ridge area) open from end to end. At each end you can install a static vent or an active one. Depending on the amount of space you have you may be able to install a power vent.If you can send me a diagram with measurements I can give you a more definitive answer.
This is blocking airflow and I'm having it removed after I bought the house. There is already insulation on the attic 'floor'. This is double insulated and is not correct. Why would anyone do this?
No building codes back then, and maybe he was thinking about putting an extra room up there then you would have to insulate the rafters also
im thinking of putting rolled felt paper under my metal roofing would that work instead of the reflective insulation instead?
rolled felt is not going to be as good as proper reflective insulation i dont think it would work
Our roof tile is installed on top of galvanized iron sheets. We do not have any toher form of insulation. The roof tile or tegula is quite thick.
You can never have too much insulation, esp. in a roof. Heat rises, and a well-insulated roof helps with energy savings.
Should a two story home have insulation under the roof in the big closets ?
yea. it might cost you some to put it in but it will save you a lot in the future with heating and air conditioning bills
please help..
Both fiberglass and asphalt products are harmful to your health. Stick to brands like Raamat, Secondskin, and Dynamat.
Hi, I have got a physics question and was just wondering about it.. Can someone pls tell me how does roof insulation work? how is it effective? How does the insulation changes the heat circulation and transfer inside a house?I know that the insulation prevents radiation from the sun and overheating.. but any more details about radiation, convection and conduction of heat pls?
Well insulation makes a dead air space (air is stagnant). Since the air is not moving the transfer of hot and cold is slowed down considerably. But since you have to create cross ventilation to reduce rotting in wood and the build up of explosive gasses. Its a crap shoot that it even does any good. Radiation is heat so that's covered by the dead air space. Convection is usually not an issue with the cross venting. Also for conduction the insulation should slow it down considerably.
Can you put fiberglass insulation on the under side of roof tiles in the loft in the house?
I would be concerned that this may cause moisture to form between the roofing and the insulation. They make a special foam panel that fit underneath the roofing in between the roof rafters. They allow air to flow from the eave to the roof's ridge.