Aluminum Foil 18

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Our end unit 1940"s row house has an old leaking bitumen roof . The water entry point can not be found so a replacement seems the way to go. A roofer suggested a replacement using Firestone 180, 1/2 inch fiberboard insulation covered with fiberglass base sheet, bitumen for flashing and fibered aluminum coating on wall coping . It's all Greek to be but fiberboard insulation and flashing material ? Should I be concerned?
We use kingspan insulation, marine grade plyboard , 3/4 inch, and yes you can use bitumen as flashing. I hope i am not being condescending, but the flashing is the bit that goes from the roof and a little way up the wall and is then "pointed" into the bricks, thus forming a water-proof barrier.
How much insulation is required in a house roof in new York ?
The US Dept of Energy provides online calculators to answer your question based on your zip code.
We bought a house and put new metal roof on over the shingles. (first please don't say, this or that should have been done, just what I can do now) Any how, we have put a lot of money into the house, roof, all new electrical, all new plumbing, etc., I had to make the house in a "living in condition" with a low budget. ............ the house does not have insulation in ceilings, this has to be done next summer. (budget) Any how, the metal roof has condensation under it, only in the ridge vent area. This drips a little and I need to fix it. Now, I know that insulation wouldprobablyy fix this, but we don't have the money right now, so I need help on what to do? Is there anything that with a $100 to $200 budget can be done? I have searched a little, and maybe use a "spray-on"insulation help? The area is where the gap is at the peak and where themetall overlaps the ridge vent. (I thinkthat'ss what it's called)Thank you! :)
hope this helps. With more air movement there will not be so much condensation. it is a matter of having an inlet for air or a fan and then an outlet for air. There are small extractor fans i have one for my bathroom, but unsure of the cost.
does insulation, with a high R value, in the attic prolong the life of the shingles on the roof.
no. attic ventilation can do this
I know when you inhale the insulation from the roof irritates the throat but what can you do to clear it from your throat after inhaling it?
it's not your throat you should be worried about. it's your lungs. wear a respirator....or at the very least, a dust mask. you only live once so make it last.
I work with rubber roofing insulation. How , other than long sleeves, do I deal with the after effects of being exposed to this insulation.
take a cold shower as soon as you get home.
i am going to insulate my conservatory roof its poly carbon and dirt has got inside so cant clean what can i use its a semi flat roof i thought about using insulation board silver backed your comments will be gratefull
The owners of the federal deserve are the biggest criminals. Research woodrow Wilson 1913-signed Americas banks over to a group of a few dominant men. A few years later in 1919 Woodrow Wilson apologized for destroying our country.
My boyfriend has just moved into a flat in a newly converted house. He's up in the loft, and has just discovered that the roof isn't insulated.Does the landlord have a legal obligation to insulate the roof?
To comply with UK building regulations all lofts must be insulated... Q22. How much loft insulation do I need? A22. To meet current Building Regulations you need 270mm of mineral wool insulation. 100mm between the ceiling joists and 170mm laid over the joists.