250 Ft Aluminum Foil

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I have just purchased some Planet X 82/101 Tubular Carbon wheels to replace my heavier aluminum 700c wheelsCan I use the the Tires and Tubes from my previous wheels for the tubular rim or do I HAVE to use Tubular tires?
Uh ohDo you know what tubular rims are? They are made for sew-up tires and I can bet you don't have them if you are asking this questionReturn them and get clincher rims.
Hi!My little brother is having his 6th birthday party, and I am in charge of the activitiesHe wanted his party to be star wars themedThe only thing is several girls will also be coming so I don't want to make all the activities too boyishIt would be nice though if a few activities would be star wars relatedso basically i need both typesi already have water balloon fight, musical chairs, face painting, magician, a pinata, water guns/ slip n slide, scavenger huntI'm probably not going to do all of theseI was just brainstormingI also needed help with finding goody bags for both boys and girls for around $4 per personI love my brother to death and I wanted this birthday to be really special since he couldn't have one last yearTHANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!ohand if there are any cool ideas for star wars related food, please leave it below as well
I am a hair stylist and the best I have found are the CHI Irons they run about $100.00 if you can get a stylist to get it for youI have tried the cheaper brands and nothing comparesThe CHI's are quick, less damaging, and make the hair soft and shinyA tip if you have limited time is shower at night and dry your hair or let it air dry whichever you prefer, then straighten in the AMSome people even straighten it at night then just do touch ups in the AMAlways make sure you use a protective spray or serum before ironing so it causes less damageHope this helps, and Happy Styling!!!
Rank each of the following in order of decreasing effective nuclear charge for its valence electrons? (Largest first ) Oxygen , fluorine , silicon , sodium , aluminum , beryllium
silicon,aluminium,sodium,fluorine,oxygenthis is decreasing order of effective nuclear charge and thank you
I'm broiling some tilapia tonight I was wondering if ur supposed to cook it on high or low? My oven has the feature for bothAnd what about rack positioning? Its my first time to broil fish so I'm not sure what to doI havea recipe that I'm using but it doesnt tell me this informationHELP!
you should make sure to put baffles in against the roof over the eves before you fill it in you do need to get ventilation into the attic or you will cause more damage
How many neutron,electron,atomic mass,mass number does alluminium has?
Microwave Fudge 3 C chocolate chips (semi sweet, dark, milk chocolate mixed works nicely or use baking chocolate with german chocolate) 1 stick butter 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk 1tsp vanilla 1/3 C marshmallow fluff 2/3 C chopped walnuts or pecans (optional) In large microwave safe bowl put the chips/chocolate mix, butter and sweetened condensed milkCook on high stirring after 1 min and every 30 seconds after that until chocolate is meltedRemove from oven and stir in the marshmallow fluff and nuts and vanillaPour into lightly buttered pansI use disposable small rectangles that hold a pound of fudgeYou can put it in a lined 8 inch pan that you have lined with parchment paper or foil and allowed some to hang over the edge for ease of removal of the fudgeButter he paper or foil before pouring the fudge intot the panRefrigerate until setEveryone seems to love this it is always creamy and keeps well in the refrigeratorYou can make peanut butter fudge using good white chocolate and chunky peanut butter in place of the chocolate chipsWatch it carefully becauses it melts at a lower temperature and will burn if you are not careful another alternative would be to use a double boiler to melt the chocolate, butter, and condensed milkAllow the mixture to cook about 5 minutes after melting then add remaining ingredients.
Im putting a couple struts in a 1999 Ford TaurusThe old struts have metal and aluminum holding them to the carThe aluminum and metal have oxidized togetherIs there an easy way to get them to separate without ruining the metal or aluminum.
I assume you're talking about where the strut goes into the knuckleSpray some penetrating oil on there, and let it soak a whilesupport the car by the body, so the front wheels hangLeave the top of the strut bolted to the car, until you get the strut/knuckle separatedI found, just about all of these need a bit of persuading with a hammerPound the knuckle down, and it will come freeAvoid using heat; the strut is pressurized, and could blow up! Also, too much heat can alter the integrity of the aluminum knuckle.
Can i cook them in the microwaveHow do i do it? Best answer is first answer that tells me how to do it where it can be edible.
I would just do it all in one shot cause ventually when u force induct it you'll wanna go with more boost(everyone does it) and then your def gana need the rods.
I am building a frame for a go kart and I will have to weld the metal togetherI want to use aluminum pieces but I am not sure do to YouTube videos and suchAlso what kind of welder would I use for aluminum weldingI can't have anything too expensiveSo how much money would an aluminum welder cost? Would a normal steel welder be cheaper? Should I make the frame from steel or aluminum?
yesyou can go wireless if you have two wireless cards one in each computer or bluetooth if you have blue tooth on each computer, you can use a null modem cable through the serial ports, lantastic used to support netowroking through the paralel portsor you can go from modem to modem with a rj11 crossover cable and proper softwareAnd of course you can always use the easiest to setup and cheapest solution ever oh not to mention Most reliable Sneaker net simply walk the information between the two operators of the computer.