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willow fence
made of natural osier with fine craft
artistic,durable and easy to erect
for home&garden deco to make privacy
Product Description:
Willow fences and screens are made from vertical willow sticks tightly
woven together with galvanized steel wire. Willow fencing and screening
are suitable for an informal garden.Rapidly renewable natural bentwood
material like willow make wonderful fences for outdoor and indoor decoration,
our exclusive pre-build fences panels are designed to beautify your home garden
as well as practical well build fences with easy set up. Different styles and sizes
to suite your needs.
- Q: As a watering girl for the plants, and they told me I had to learn basic gardening such as what kind of grass grows in my area/region, and about the type of grass and plants, does anyone know a good website to learn about gardening that I can use now and in the future? I want to try and work my way up after being there awhile.
- okorder both will give you ideas, but for a more comprehensive overview, pick up a farmer's almanac. It will tell you all about planting times in your area. Also, different types of plants actually have fan sites on the web, like hostas. You might try checking with your local agricultural advisors, too.
- Q: I saw my neighbors last year use this method: I'm looking for a good website on it. Please.They put some black plastic over their soil. Then after a couple weeks they cut holes in the plastic and planted their yard plants. The plants within a month had grown beautifully and practically covered all the black plastic. Any websites on this method would be fantastic. Thank You!!
- You can't use plain black plastic. The fabric sold at most stores will work becasue it allows water through. I had an aunt on a farm that used a thick layer of newspaper in between her plants to keep the weeds down.
- Q: He has been in training in the Army since the beginning of July. We are both 20 and have an 8 month old daughter. He will be arriving around the 24th of October (graduates training the 23rd), and I will be going to pick him up from the bus station or airport alone(he still doesn't know which form of transp. he wants to take). I would really like to do something nice for him or surprise him in some way.. But chalk it up to quot;mommy brainquot; for leaving me with a complete blank! Should it be late and we have to get a hotel or stay overnight, my mother will be staying with the baby so preparations have been discussed for that possibility. Any ideas on what we can do or I can do for him? Either when he arrives or after he is settled - to celebrate?
- He's really gonna have the sex on the brain. Sorry that's just the way guys are. I'd suggest getting it out of the way as soon as possible. ( a little teasing won't hurt) A nice hotel near the airport or bus station. Get the sex out of the way, (and his long nap afterwards) and the rest of the evening is to get to know each other again! Then have let him see friends they next day and through the week, then, the surprise party Friday nite.
- Q: I understand that the shrinking and expanding of the logs is a problem with log homes. Is this less with cedar logs? Is it ok to mix log types such as cedar and oak? Is there a sealer that will stop the logs from getting enough moister to expand?Have any of you ever used cement between the logs like the older style cabins had? Any body out there a log home builder?I have seen homes with adjustment bolts to at the top of the walls to compensate for the expansion. But i do not see that in many photos in the log home magazines, does this mean they are just shooting the photos from angles that will not allow the viewer to see the bolts?............. And in reality all log homes have these bolts, and it is unavoidable or what? If anyone can help me with this I would be thankful.
- I doubt that there are experts in log houses on this site, though you may find some over in the Home Garden section. However, it IS pretty easy to find issues regarding log houses on the internet, and that is where you might want to start your research. This site is a log house maintenance firm which discusses many problems those types of houses has, including rot, types of chinking, etc.
- Q: How do you decorate the garden?
- The most important difference is that one is static and the other is dynamic
- Q: (They wanted to put this under Home and Garden/Do it Yourself!!!!!!)
- If I'm standing, the door's open. I close it if company comes. If I'm sitting, it's closed, and locked!
- Q: I've just started looking around for infomation about trees and growing zones. There are a few I'm intersted in finding out more about, but cant seem to find the infomation I'm looking for *prob because I'm not in the right gowing zone*.Anyway, does anyone have a good site in general about trees?I'm looking for information about Ebony Trees and growing them, I'm also looking for willow tree infomation, japanese maple infomation, and general tree care/planting.Thanks
- Your best bet is to contact your local county extension office if you live in the US. What trees that grow well in your area depend on where you live and the elevation you live in. County extension offices are funded by state universities and are manned by volunteer trained in gardening or horticulture. Their services are free. Just google your county and then add extension office. Most have awesome websites, too, and free downloads of useful publications.
- Q: I am new to a company that runs the local Home Show and we are stumped on a theme. It has to be kind of a catchy phrase to use for our posters and commercials. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
- Gardening in the city? How about - Windowsills, Alleyways and Rooftops.
- Q: I saw the darn thing! it was huge!!!! a big ol rat in my home and i have 2 small children, i'm afraid it'll bite them. What do you recommend to kill this monster?
- 1. This is NOT an appropriate question for the PET RODENTS category - it belongs in Home Garden. 2. Buy either a humane trap and release the rat outside, or, failing that, buy a trap as close to this ( hokkiplast.fi/loukut/english.php ) as possible. 3. Go out and buy yourself some common sense . Rats won't hurt you if YOU don't hurt THEM!
- Q: I need to buy my mom a washer/dryer but live out of state, so it has to be valid online. Thanks!
- Try: okorder /
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