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I recently started to listen to Heavy Metal and I have to say I really like it.What I like to this music is that it is instrument based and it gives a vibe that fullfills you with energy.I started to listen with a combination of clasic and black metal bands(Like Metallica,Maiden,Slayer and Gorgoroth,Mayhem,Bathory).So I was wondering :Why do you REALLY listen to metal and what bands and genres you listen to mostly?
Do not wonder. alkali metals have only i electron in their outer shell, thus having an incomplete octet. If they lose an electron they achieve octet configuration. Thus they are very reactive. On reacting with water they form respective hydroxides.
On this day, 40 years ago, Black Sabbath released the album Black Sabbath. On this 40th anniversary, lets all post some songs that celebrate Metal. Songs about Metal
Black metal is too underground to be hated, and glam metal has the nostalgia thing going on right now. Metalcore is current and is sort of a watered down genre of metal, same with nu metal a few years ago. They have achieved a little commercial success so a ton of bands jump on the band wagon and all sound alike. That tends to drive metalheads away.
I have to find information of second row transition metals [RU,Fe..]Does anyone knows where ?thank u...
i dont listen to quite all this, but i do indulge in the metal music i like kamelot-power metal leaves eyes- viking, symphonic, and neo-classical epica-symphonic NIN-industrial(in a way maybe more alt.) LOG- seen them labled as groove black metal(least favorite genre) cradle of filth and dimmu borgir anthrax-speed theroin-goth What would you lable decapitated as? their album nihility is amazing eluveitie-folk metal Zeppelin gotta fit in here somewhere they are more than just classic rock well thats all i can lable, my mind is about to explode like a stack of marshals turned up to 50........THOUSAND
wanna listen some metal songs, recommend me some please
It's tough to just name one song, so I will name my top 3 right now. Premonition of Pain - 3 Inches of Blood Where is Your God? - Amon Amarth The Axe Shall Fall - DevilDriver
in metal gear solid 3 snake eater his right eye was gone but in part 4 his left eye is gone
I never said it wasnt metal, I just said it's not good. I can barely find any good metalcore bands. Many sound way too emo also.
Some people at school were babbling about metal (God only knows if they know what they were talking) and I heard them say something like There's heavy metal, death metal, and soft metal and the Living Encyclopedia Metallum (me) turns around an says something like WTF is soft metal and the answer I got was it really sucks?What is this?
Metal God- Judas Priest BQ: Heavy Metal BQ2: Thrash Metal BQ3: Death Metal BQ4: Pogressive Metal BQ5: Groove Metal BQ6: Alternative Metal BQ7: Nu Metal
What are your favorite sub-genres of Metal? Is it Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Hair Metal, NWOBHM, Technical Death Metal, Groove Metal, etc?
Metal okorder
Any suggestions of good post-metal bands like Isis, Pelican, Neurosis, Minsk
KoRn nor Slipknot is brutal. I used to listen to metal all the time, still somewhat of an expert. Music itself is not brutal, but some of the lyrics can be far too intense. Want something brutal? Check out Dethklok. They seem to be the only real Death metal musicians. The rest suck. I think metal musicians honestly overuse the word brutal to make themselves and their music look cool. Really, they don't know half of what real brutality can be. EDIT**I couldn't agree with you anymore! Death metal does suck, big time. Nu-metal is A LOT better than Death Metal. Death Metal is a bunch of wannabe ******* that all sound alike. They think they're all bada** with all this brutal lyrics, yet in their music, they won't even make one single word noticeable. I like KoRn and Slipknot. I wasn't hating on them at all, just letting you know. Follow the Leader will still always be one of my top albums. I like a lot of Slipknot's stuff. They're more original than any death metal band out there. 9 members and they can handle that sh*t. Actually, 8 now. Unless they replaced him? Haven't been up to date with them in awhile. KoRn has the most originality out of mostly any band ever. Their new stuff sucks, I'm sorry. Their new album just went down hill. But the rest are bada**. Especially their songs with Ice-Cube and Fred Durst.